A Fitting Revenge – Omnipresence
Release Date: 1st July 2022
Label: Self Released
Genre: Metal, Metalcore, Melodic Death Metal.
FFO: Lamb of God, Trivium, Children of Bodom, Gojira.
Review By: Anthony Petitt
Fun fact: every song title on Omnipresence by A Fitting Revenge begins with the word “The”. First up is The Performance, a killer opening track. The vocals are very reminiscent of Randy Blythe, and the guitar delivers some excellent fast tremolo picking. The breakdown about a minute into the song is FILTHY, and the song is worth listening to for that alone. The band has an obvious affinity for modern Metal titans Lamb of God and Gojira, and their music is all the better for it.
A Fitting Revenge dial up the intensity of the vocals and instrumentals on The Infinite, and the chorus is surprisingly emotive and vulnerable. The guitars on the next song, The Inquisition, absolutely shred, and the band does a good job of injecting emotion into the heaviness. A Fitting Revenge refuses to let up on the following track, The Collapse. This record is just a ton of fun.
A Fitting Revenge delve into a little bit of Space Rock on the song The Wheel. It’s a nice change, seeing as the first five songs on the album all have a very similar sound. The Reprieve is just that, a short guitar-focused interlude before The Freeze. The busy drum and guitar work on this song help it to stand out on an album where a lot of the tracks do end up sounding similar.
The Overthrow features some killer bass lines and syncopated rhythms. If you dig breakdowns, this one will scratch the itch. The down tuned riffs are super satisfying and the vocals fit in nicely. Omnipresence ends with the three-part finale The Monarchy. Pt 1 is mainly an ambient intro, Pt 2 is the standard heavy fare that you’ve come to expect from A Fitting Revenge, and Pt 3 is a mix of the previous two. These tracks aren’t terrible by any means, but the best material can be found throughout the rest of this release. (4.5 / 5)