Amken – Passive Aggression

Amken – Passive Aggression
Release Date: 26th August 2022
Label: Massacre Records
Genre: Thrash, Metal.
FFO: Kreator, Megadeth, Immortal.
Review By: David Oberlin

With the resurgent interest in thrash, thanks in part, again, to Metallica, the idea that people have been a part of and enjoyed the genre for many decades post Pastor of Muppets might seem intimidating to newcomers– those who have come from the tragic and strange journey of Eddie Munsen. And, with that being said, it is great to know that the genre, although maybe not as popular as its descendants (black and death) has got a strong following. Cue a new breed.

FUKEN-RAW, stylised as Amken from Greece, raise their second album Passive Aggression from the river Styx– give it an axe and tell it to maraude the airwaves. That is to say that the riffs are alive and that this album is a monster of a record. The essence of most excellent thrash breathes through the structure of this album. And, with that in mind, it is ultimately refreshing (re-thrashing!) to hear between head bobs. It is a very moshable album, with many windmill moments.

In its entrancing runtime, its solid composition radiates like a cold glass on a hot summers day. Where every note is necessary to creating a miasma of big, sweaty and bombastic beats. It is commendable that it does not rely on either of the two divisive strategies in extreme music, technical skill and melody. Instead, it rations both of those qualities– playing with them in abundance. Faultless albums are hard to come by, with Passive Agression’s main one being the North Anatolia fault. Probably.

Riff-wise Passive Aggression, and Amken, uses a very comprehensive vocabulary of techniques to create the sharp and intense sound. And, it is fancy, but it is not pompous. Where the licks, ‘mutes and modulations all have a structure reason for their inclusion. Passive Aggression is hot by design.

Amken are solid, and this new album is tight. However, the best from Amken is yet to come. Hopefully. Have they not set the bar too high on this one.

4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

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