Ascends – Lost In Gravity

Ascends – Lost In Gravity (EP)
Release Date: 28th October 2022
Label: Self Released
Genre: Metalcore
FFO: Northlane, Spiritbox, Textures.
Review By: Liam True

Originally known as I, The Deceiver back when they formed in 2008 and changing their name to Ascends in 2015, they’ve come a long way and taken a step out of their comfort zone since their last release in 2015 in the form of a 5 track EP called Change. Aptly named. 7 years is a while to wait for new material from a band, but has the wait been worth it? I’ve never heard anything from the band, but what I can tell you is Lost In Gravity is a polished metalcore assault that could use some tweaking, but it fills you with a sort of dread based on the lyrical content, which is quite heavy in itself.

Lightrays starts with an anthemic build-up before the band and vocalist Marco Romero explode in unison, delivering a frantic and explosive opening to the EP. Space Drifted is a slower start but is still a phenomenal song as the guitar work coupled with the drumming is beautiful as Romero belts his lungs out on top. While clean vocals are a surprise, but a great addition to the track, although it does become somewhat repetitive toward the end. Solar Flare starts with another gut punching metalcore riff, but as the song comes to an end and Fraxured kicks in with yet more metalcore guitar riff work, you become to realise that the songs aren’t that different as there’s no real way to tell them apart from another. While it still happens on every other track, they still have more riff work that does outshine the repetitive nature of the record. Erased is a more progressive sounding song. Bioshock is a standard metalcore song with no real oomph to it. Swim Or Plunge is abundant with the fastest guitar work on the EP with some tasty riffs, but apart from that, it’s a clone of the previous songs. And when Rough World fades out it leaves you disappointed, as from the opening song you were expecting more from the band. While the production is great and the record sounds clean and polished, the songwriting itself is what lets the EP down.

2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

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