Besta – Terra Em Desapego

Besta – Terra Em Desapego
Release Date: 4th August 2023
Label: Lifeforce Records
Genre: Death Metal, Thrash, Grindcore.
FFO: (Early) Sepultura, Decapitated.
Review By: Mark Young

This starts on the front foot and just doesn’t let up over the next 41 minutes. I think the closest I comparison I can make is early Sepultura, say Beneath the Remains and Decapitated around their Negation phase. The drums and guitars combine to attack, attack, attack and it’s just furious. Absolutely furious. 

Olhar Seráfico is chock-full of some of the most fiendish sounding trem picking, but isn’t without moments of melody. What they do here is find that correct balance of the two, setting the bar high for the remainder to follow, and they all manage to get near that same level of quality. It’s one of those albums that just flies through without pause, and they make good on their promise of it being uncompromising.

What I would say that because of this attack, it does slightly blur into one but on reflection I am being slightly unfair to them because they have set their stall out to batter, and on Veias Em Catarse they achieve this with some nods to modern progressive riffing as well as Death with the solo breaks. Nothing is over the top; all is there to serve the song, and it’s tightly wrapped up in a production that gives you clarity of sound where you can pick up on everything. There are some fantastic arrangements on here, Patologia Profunda being a prime example of taking you on a journey and then turning through 180 degrees and upping the speed. 

It’s not ‘til A Colónia Dos Mentirosos that the grindcore element seems to surface with a hint of Carcass in there, not too much but just with the overall vibe, and to be honest if you are going to drink from a certain well then drink from the best one!

There is a lot to their sound, and there is a ton of well executed ideas on here, and what is surprising is that they have been grinding around since 2012 with Terra Em Desapego being their 4th full length release (the second on Lifeforce Records). It’s the sound of a band who have found their mark with a confident and incredibly strong collection of death / grindcore songs. They are well worth checking out.

  1. Olhar Seráfico
  2. Veias Em Catarse
  3. Patologia Profunda
  4. A Colónia Dos Mentirosos
  5. Sector Parasita
  6. Terra De Má Memória
  7. Transmissão Semântica

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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