Blodet – Vision
Release Date: 24th September 2021
Label: Church Road Records
Genre: Metal, Post Metal.
FFO: Swans, Breach, Amenra (Early).
Review By: The Demented Raven
Today we have a 3 track EP from a Swedish post-metal group with a darker sound, Blodet!
First track, The River, begins with a mellow yet distorted guitar introduction which instantly fills you with curiosity to see where this goes. Hilda the vocalist is incredibly calm as she sings along to the melody, gives me Nirvana vibes just with how mellow it sounds. Then as the beat starts to pound, the song kicks in more as the instruments intensify. The build-up works extremely well and is a good start to what chaos may ensue.
The song then transitions to the second track, She Remains. Hilda’s vocals seem slightly drowned out by the drums so it is difficult to hear her. I feel they should have pushed her vocals in the mix as when the rest of the instruments kick in, she becomes even more drowned out. Some questionable mixing choices here I’m afraid. The sinister yet calm vibes of this song sound interesting, which is a shame as Hilda’s vocals are dampened once more when the lead guitar kicks in. Thankfully during the conclusion her voice becomes more defined.
Vision, as well as the EP name, is the final track. We have an extended introduction full of ambience with instruments slowly building. Hilda’s vocals are much clearer here with a reverb attached to match the dark ambient atmosphere. The mixing in this track could be better, as when the drums kick-in hard before the conclusion, it overpowers the mix. Whilst the conclusion does finally get somewhere, isn’t as interesting as it could be. Like it’s holding back.
For an EP, I feel there’s not enough variety here. The sound is interesting and well captured, however, everything sounds pretty similar like it could be all one track. I feel like the band chould really let their creative minds explore a bit more, as it feels like they stick far too much to their comfort zone here. This band clearly has potential, they gel well together and Hilda’s voice is perfect for the style, but this EP doesn’t display it fully and unfortunately becomes easily forgettable. (2 / 5)