Cryptivore – Celestial Extinction

Cryptivore – Celestial Extinction
Release Date: 15th March 2022
Label: Bitter Loss Records
Genre: Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal.
FFO: Amputated, Carcass, Exhumed, Cannibal Corpse.
Review By: Jay Creepy

With a screaming banshee of a guitar, and the chugging heavy duty approaching sense of doom of cataclysmic heights, Cryptivore from Brisbane basically explode in your face like a nail bomb, blasting shards of your skull and brains all over the place. They are so early Carcass you smile with the memories. Whilst track one, Cocoon Hecatomb almost leads you by the hand gently (genuinely, you haven’t heard anything yet) track two, Dripping with Skin isn’t friendly. It is so shocking to learn that this is their début (aside from earlier demos) because this is so tight and nihilistic. In fact, I’d say cannibalistic because Cryptivore sound like a band who will kill and eat any other bands around them. 

Just when you think Vault of Obscurity is more mellow, they power up and slap your silly face, how dare you even think that!! Not many groups can chug their music this way, and scream the guitars, this album is birthed from the brutal 80s and 90s underground whom copulated with the hair bands. 

So, on with the biggest shock of it all. Researching around a bit, it transpires that this band is in fact one person, Chris Anning. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I got this off two different sources and my jaw fell to the floor. This guy is an absolute monolith of talents. For that, and that only, Cryptivore is sincerely the most essential purchase for anyone who listens to Death Metal, Doom or anything that is dark, disgusting and raging. His voice, his musical mastership, all brings blood tears to your eyes as your internal organs melt. 

Along comes Monastery Worms to make you bang your cranium in such a way you feel pain, then numbness, and you discover you’ve paralysed yourself….. 

Bitter Loss Records are almost immune to the bodily destruction, their catalogue is a charnel house of madness. I aren’t even going to mention any more tracks, they are all as hectic and as fantastic as the last. 

Highly recommended and totally vital. 

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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