DEATHFUCKINGCUNT – Decadent Perversity
Release Date: 10th June 2022
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records
Genre: Technical Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal.
FFO: Origin, Brain Drill, Beneath the Massacre, First Fragment.
Review By: Eric Wilt
When I think of really great bands with really awful names, I immediately think of Skelethal and Corpsessed. I love both bands, but I cringe a little every time I see their names on the cover of their albums. After listening to Decadent Perversity by DEATHFUCKINGCUNT, I quickly added them to this list. But, whereas Skelethal and Corpsesessed combined two words in the hope of making one evil sounding new word (without success), I think DEATHFUCKINGCUNT probably knew how awful their name was, and that is precisely why they went with it. When you call yourself DEATHFUCKINGCUNT, you are wanting to get people’s attention. Once you have their attention, you can either present them with an album that is quickly forgotten or one that inspires repeated listening. The point is, people can’t ignore you. And in this case, DEATHFUCKINGCUNT is successful because the album is so good, you’ll probably just call them DFC and listen to Decadent Perversity over and over.
While not derivative by any means, when you’re playing technical death metal in excess of 350 bpms, it’s inevitable that certain bands will be part of the discussion. With that in mind, DEATHFUCKINGCUNT plays precise technical death metal reminiscent of Origin. But where Origin writes songs about scientific topics such as blackholes and the creation of universes, DEATHFUCKINGCUNT writes songs about being choked to death with part of the foreskin. What did you expect, Rilke? No, DEATHFUCKINGCUNT goes hard (pun intended) into the brutal side of death metal lyrics. Songs like Fisted into Form, Blunt Force Vasectomy, and Suicidal Masturbatory Flagellation overflow with grotesque imagery and easily give Cannibal Corpse a run for their money in the gruesome department. But what really matters here are the songs, and the songs are intense and memorable.
If you like your death metal technical, fast, and brutal, DEATHFUCKINGCUNT is sure to please. (4 / 5)