Decipher – Arcane Paths to Resurrection
Release Date: 21st April 2023
Label: Transcending Obscurity Records
Genre: Hellenic Black metal, Melodic Black Metal, Thrash.
FFO: Panzerfaust, Mgta, Grave Miasma, Gaerea, Dissection.
Review By: Rick Farley
Greece is as well known for black metal as Norway is. Adding elements of traditional heavy metal, some groove, and a lot more melody, it’s become just as important in keeping the genre fresh, as well as pushing it forward into new directions. Formed in Athens in 2017, this Greek blackened horde Decipher released a hellish EP called Of Fire and Brimstone. Thrashing guitars with sharp undertones of black metal spit flames in every direction, while angry growls cut through the inferno filled darkness. The EP proved to be a strong indication in what direction the band was headed towards, for their eventual debut full length. Arcane Paths to Resurrection is set to release its potent black metal stylings on Transcending Obscurity Records to a legion of unsuspecting cattle. Ready to be led to the slaughter.
Arcane Paths to Resurrection is a relentless assault, forged in the fires of hades and hurled at the gods with vile intent. The sum of all its parts give off its tormented and maddening sound, making for a well composed piece of dense sonic darkness. Sharp-edged guitar riffs full of crisp crunchiness amidst blackened walls of tremolo picked frost filled melodies that are at times extremely tight and at other times airy and flowing. Enslaved to Be careens between crunchy chords and swaying groove, adding a foot stomping swagger within the confines of its black metal shell. Powerful blast beats, double kick and pulsing low-end keep a blistering pace in between moments of its ever flowing hookiness. The vocals vary from mid toned raspy screams, background shouting and coarse growls, complementing the blackened personality of each song. Penance staggers slowly in with a swaying guitar and a sharpened melody before erupting into thick thrashy riffs and punky attitude. Altar of the Void uses full sounding tremolo chording with sinister guitars overtop for a wall of sound effect only to break into a punky riff and thrash style beat. The black n roll vibes punch the song forward at a fast pace, but never reach breakneck speed. The track comes in at eight minutes fifty-two seconds, never feeling too long and with having several changes in mood, there’s plenty of solid grime to really sink your teeth into. Wicked little bits of unhinged melodies add some unnerving feeling to the surging guitars and foul atmospheres. Closing track Sanctum Regnum has a droning quality to the tremolo melodies that give way to proggy verse riffs that feel open and dissonant. The overall track has complexity to it that’s on the discordant side, but still feels comprehensible. Some background shouting and chanting amongst the harsh screams gives off a feeling of urgency to the track. It ends purposefully abrupt, making you wonder if those were that last notes. Which in the context of the entire album, this is an effective and mysterious way of ending.
The entire album is a tour de force of opposing styles working well together, airy guitars over blast beats, rapidly picked melodies over loose chording, and crisp, tight riffs presented in a black metal setting. It all just works in a very fresh way and gives Arcane Paths to Resurrection a modern sound while still paying enough homage to the greats. Although Decipher are not breaking new ground here, they’re surely presenting it different enough to have something unique to say and worth checking out. It’s gritty, catchy, unrelenting, and harshly blackened all from the very beginning to the end that will brighten up even the grimmest of faces. (4 / 5)