Deliberate Miscarriage – Mortuary Melodies

Deliberate Miscarriage – Mortuary Melodies
Release Date: 10th December 2021
Label: Independent 
Genre: Death Metal, Gore Metal, Extreme Metal.
FFO: Cannibal Corpse, Pig Destroyer, Bloodfreak, Severe Torture, Carcass, Gorerotted.
Review By: Jay Creepy

The irony is how I mention in prior reviews about titles in metal, how I loathe pointless song titles that are only spelled out to shock and get attention. Then along comes Deliberate Miscarriage with their début album, Mortuary Melodies, and track one is titled Splattered Toddlers. Oh yes, this is going to be as much fun as a widow throwing herself sobbing onto her deceased husband’s casket in front of everyone – not fun at all.

However, I was nicely surprised by the clarity of the words and the pounding but head banging backing. Plus as we venture deeper and read the assorted titles, I think there’s a sly wink and a sense of dark humor abound – I mean, Gutted with a Butterknife, I love it. Track two, Fowl so Foul has such a glorious fast to the point build up and what sounds like screams in the background. The music and pace is frantic, an epileptic fit thrashing around inside your speakers, helped by Lyn Jeffs drum beats.

Deliberate Miscarriage, from South Wales, have been described as “sick gits” that will have you “vomiting up your guts!” Probably from throwing yourself violently against your wall and ceiling because this album is soul smashing in its intensity. This is Death Metal that if released into the wrong hands may indeed cause premature death. 

Vocally sounding a bit like early Max Cavalera crossed with Will Rahmer, Charlie Rogers truly hits another level on track four, the above-mentioned Gutted with a Butterknife, and the manic noise ends abruptly fading afterward with a noise unlike no other. Perfection. Adam Duffield’s guitar is a crowning glory, along with Charlie’s backbone bass.  

Oh my Dark Lord, Infested Reanimated is so frikkin good. They drop in the old school style Metallica ‘One’ like breakdown, (“Darkness… imprisoning me…”) etc, and really wrap so much rotted meat around it, it truly is a showcase – Adam has a twisted guitar interlude or two along the way, a rather cheeky ingredient.

In fact, they’re both cheeky chappies, with titles like Fresh Abortion Smoothie, Intestines in the Mudguards and Strapped to the Elephant’s Foot, they’re out to offend, tasteless, vile, putrid, comical, and they don’t care who gets the joke or not. They are the new Gorerotted, and I love ’em to decomposed bits. Things even slow down somewhat (kind of) for Slow Dance of Decay, and the melody of bitter grind shines black light.

Deliberate Miscarriage are one of the best in recent times, they are aware of the absurd yet flirt with such in a deliberate way whilst creating seriously good music against a fair few who are in danger of becoming soft and generic, Deliberate Miscarriage know what the people need and lust for. Carefully constructed with nasty thoughts and gnarled fingers, they take a shovel of glistening gore and faeces then let us feast…..

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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