Domkraft – Sonic Moons

Domkraft – Sonic Moons
Release Date: 8th September 2023
Label: Magnetic Eye Records
Genre: Doom, Sludge.
FFO: Mastodon, Sleep, Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard.
Review By: Paul Cairney

In 2021, I reviewed ‘Seeds’, the 3rd album by Swedish Doom trio Domkraft with a tag stating ‘almost, but not quite’. An apt description of an album with masses of promise. Fast-forward to 2023, and I was eager to hear how the band had progressed with their 4th album, Sonic Moons

The promise has been realised!

Sonic Moons is a monster of an album, it delivers in every aspect you would want. Massive, intelligent, catchy fuzz laden, sludgy doom-laden riffs are coupled with a drummer who controls each and every track with consummate ease and entrancing, mesmerising vocals ranging from slow emotion through to a demanding urgency. Each member of Domkraft are at the top of their game on each track, nothing is left on the table. 

Bookended by 2 tracks clocking in at over 9 minutes long, there is an initial fear that this 7-track behemoth could clock in at over an hour, the guys vary the tracks so that nothing outstays any welcome, and we have a very manageable 47 minutes of superior sludgy doom.

‘Whispers’ is a great choice to open the album. Slightly slower than a majority of the album, it offers a tentative embrace to the listener, with consistent riffs that are not quite as heavy as many others on the album. It allows Sonic Moons to build urgency and a sense of tension. This tension is not uneasy, it is not even an anxious tension. It is somehow an enjoyable tension that permeates throughout the album.

Domkraft hit their stride, and the albums zenith, with the 3rd track ‘Magnetism’. Martin Wegeland’ provides his best vocal on the album, Martin Widholm’s riffs have the most delicious tone and Anders Dahlgren provides the controlled aggression on drums, ensuring the track doesn’t stray from its magnificent path. I have lost my shit every time I have listened to it and, as I type, I am losing control!

It would be easy to delve into each track, telling you why they work, why the Sonic Moons just ‘is’, but this album needs to be sought out. If you are a fan of sludgy doom, even if you are just a fan of good metal, Domkraft will not let you down. 

Consistent, heavy and ultimately an incredible listen, Sonic Moons has seen Domkraft reach the potential they have been striving for.

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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