Dusk Cult – Night Sky Revelations

Dusk Cult – Night Sky Revelations
Release Date: 1st July 2023
Label: Self Released
Genre: Black Metal, Doom, Folk.
FFO: Dissection, Emperor, Mtga, Uada, Satyricon.
Review By: Rick Farley

The traditional second wave of black metal happens to be one of my all-time favourite periods in music. There was a real danger and rebellion associated with the dark and extreme music coming out of Norway at the time. The rest of the world started taking notice and with the additions of atmospheric and symphonic elements the genre had become a widespread musical phenomenon by the mid to late nineties. Producing album after album of what is now considered classics from legendary bands. So needless to say, anytime a modern band uses those second wave influences in a way that captures that fierce sound and no fucks given spirit, but also brings its own engaging interpretation of the black metal genre incorporating doomy elements as well as some folky pieces and still maintain that original nastiness, I’m probably going to take notice, and in this case so should you. 

One such band is Dusk Cult from Melbourne, Australia. A two piece black metal band formed in 2020 featuring Elliott Sansom (drums/vocals) from Be’lakor and Ben Williamson (guitars, bass, keys, and vocals) from Rainshadow. Two years have passed since their debut album Embrace the Lunar Age, which drew Spotify listeners from 37 countries. Now, Night Sky Revelations which is self-released, is the natural successor to their savage debut adding more cold doomy atmosphere and haunting melodies to their carnage filled black metal majesty. 

Black Cloud Worship is an unrelenting opening track full of darkened energy and bleak sharpness. Crackling thunder and lightning kicks it off into a constant, slogging blasting tempo with brisk unmuted tremolo picking, but using slow chord changes, it creates a quickened pace but overall subdued soundscape. The momentum is pounding and forward moving, but entirely entrances you into a state of motionless frenzy. Trapped by a wretched devil in a black forest amidst frozen rain, its hooves bludgeon you into blissful oblivion. Necro guitar melodies and heavy low end, combined with hammering drums and high-pitched growls, are an immediate sign that you’re in line for something brutally special.      

Mondaufgang, which is also the most recent single, is a firestorm of attacking tremolo picked guitars and twisting walls of atmosphere that spit black fumes. Creepy piano melodies that play beneath the harsh music sound almost jarring, like they shouldn’t be there, but somehow it works and maniacally add some dissonant airiness to the dense music. The track shifts into a chugging doomy riff that plods along at a casual pace, bringing forth haunting guitar melodies that are as mesmerizing as they are wicked. Without a doubt, a crushing piece of music that also chills to the bone. Vocally, both Ben and Elliot share the spotlight. Often with a dual vocal attack. The terrifying screeching and low gutturals bouncing and intersecting off one another, giving the overall vibe of pure evil and demonic like ambience. This adds frightening impact to the already dread filled canvas. 

Night Sky Revelations is the perfect example of how to marry intensity with melody in an unforgiving atmosphere. Deliriously evil, yet melodic and still somehow inviting. It has small moments of dark sombre beauty that transcends far past the brutish nature, into an ethereal type of consciousness. Whether it be a brief passage of clean vocals, soothing acoustic guitars, the walls of enchanting harmony filled guitars, or symphonic element that drag you in, it will be the punishing blast beats, harsh demonic vocals and hellish guitars that keep its sinister grip on you. 

Night Sky Revelations is extremely well written, masterfully executed and recorded in such a way that its clarity is still professional sounding, but grimy enough to maintain a rawness for authenticity. A real triumph of black metal staying true to itself but offering up so much more that just the usual trappings. The album features an array of artwork which is done by classical artist Gustave Doré, it gives visuals interpretation to the journey through the many facets of black metal that Dusk Cult has gifted us. An absolute stunner of beautiful darkness.  

4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

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