Ecology: HomeStones – Ecology: HomeStones
Release Date: 15th December 2023
Label: Sleeping Giant Glossolalia
Genre: Weird, Drone, Noise, Experimental, Avant-Garde, Lo-Fi.
FFO: Gnaw Their Tongues
Review By: John Newlands
Have you ever seen Salad Fingers?
“Hello, I like rusty spoons, I like to touch them, the feeling of rust against my salad fingers is almost orgasmic!”
The first time I heard Ecology: Homestones Perfect Francais I thought of three things – Fuck Buttons track, Sweet Love for Planet Earth, the music that goes with 20040 cult figure Salad Fingers, and Gnaw Their Tongues.
So, when I read the press blurb associated with this release, I wasn’t surprised to hear that it was about carrot farming. Sort of….
“Ecology: Homestones is a cartoon-industrial noise project following the dramatization of past and future events concerning the mutilation of eight carrot farmers, all coincidentally named Robert. The organization behind this fantasy, The FPPC, is on a mission to provide you with the information you need for a fast and enjoyable recovery.”
OK. So that doesn’t give away much, does it?!? But I’m beginning to understand, that this shit is weird. But hey, weird is fun, so I then had a quick look at the YouTube and understood that the point of understanding this art concept is not to try and understand but to just accept that it is what it is. It’s weird. Like David Cronenberg, eXistnenZ weird, with a metal, drone, noise tinge.
When listening to this album I’m reminded of a time when I was a student and I wandered in to the GOMA Glasgow (galleries of modern art), a normal practice for me at the time, and I was met with a cacophony of noise, a sulfurous smell, then bubbles falling from above. So instead of going to stare at the paintings I normally loved so much, I walked towards the increasing noise, sulphur smell and bubble intensity. I was greeted by the sight of a writhing sequin and spandex adorned “entity” on the floor that on occasion moved in a disturbing spastic motion as if to reach for something that wasn’t present. I watched for ages, it was awesome.
Then I understood Ecology: Homestones.
If you want to listen to weird art, industrially tinged electronic noise then this is your jam. This is arthouse niche at its best. I’ve listened to this release several times in isolation and couldn’t get beyond thinking of me, sitting alone with my guitars, looper, stomp boxes, a drum machine, synth and time on my hands. It’s fun, and cool, and that’s where my appreciation here fades.
BUT, what I really think holds this together is seeing the visual accompaniment that I’ve seen on YouTube and other social media platforms. To review this as an album in its own right, I feel, is somewhat unfair. This isn’t just music, and it isn’t just art, to “understand” it correctly you need to get the full picture. It’s somewhat akin to human sensation. Without the audio, you won’t appreciate the visual and vice versa.
If (I) or you ever have the chance to go and see Ecology: Homestones, then I wouldn’t hesitate, it will be a superbly weird and fantastic experience that I’m sure you won’t forget.
As this is a music blog, I have to say that I’ve managed through this release three times without visual aids. For me, that’s enough, I won’t go back. And so due to that my rating is lower. BUT I would go see them play in a heartbeat, as I think it would be an awesome audiovisual experience. (2.5 / 5)