Enslaved – Utgard

Enslaved – Utgard
Release Date: 2nd October 2020
Label: Nuclear Blast
Pre-Order/Stream: Bandcamp
Genre: Progressive Black Metal, Progressive Viking Metal, Black Metal.
FFO: Opeth, Fellwarden, Winterfylleth, Bathory, King Crimson.
Review By: Paul Cairney

Enslaved have come a long way since their almost pre-pubescent 1994 debut, ‘Vikingligr Veldi’, where they continuously moulded their sound to be one of the most respected bands within the wider metal community. Never resting on their, very metal, laurels, childhood pals Ivar Bjørnson and Grutle Kjellson have steered their band from the flame-ridden 2nd wave of Black Metal through to the progressive Black Metal juggernaut we know and love today.

Following from 2017’s ‘E’, Utgard is Enslaved’s 15th album and it is a thing of beauty. From Norse mythology, Utgard is a landscape where the giants dwell, where Asgardian God’s have no control. Perhaps it is this lack of Deity interference that has allowed the band to flex their creative muscles, producing an album with genuine fluidity and class?

One of the more enjoyable aspects of Utgard is the mix of both clean and dirty vocals, songs like ‘Sequence’ are expertly crafted, with the Metal growls being accompanied by a killer riff, alongside the prog meanderings in the mid-section. Indeed, the slow buildup towards the end of the song leads you to a false sense of security before crushing your head in a vice.

In fact, there are too many high points to this album to mention. ‘Homebound’ is nothing short of colossal. ‘Jettegryta’, is a nod to their true black metal roots with Grutle’s throat shredding as the guttural lyrics explode into existence accompanied by relentless riffage and soothing synths. It is no surprise that these are 2 of the tracks released prior to the album release proper. I urge you to check them out on YouTube if you have not already.

The most experimental song on the album is ‘Urjotun’. Synth led, it almost seems out of place and is only saved, just, by the growled vocals. That said, I am certain that at least one of the Metal Epidemic crew will love it….

In a year where, let us refer to them as ‘experienced’, bands are releasing music that still challenges the listener, putting many modern metal bands to shame, Enslaved have effortlessly joined this exclusive list. 

Utgard is a fantastic listen that will enthuse existing fans and, if there is any justice, attract the new breed of metal fans!

4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

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