Eruption – Tellurian Rupture
Release Date: 19th August 2022
Label: From The Vaults
Genre: Thrash, Power Metal.
FFO: Artillery, Accept, Sanctuary.
Review By: Liam True
Since the mid 2010’s good thrash has been a hard commodity to come by. You’ll have smaller bands popping up with new material and established bands releasing brilliant albums, but nothing ever really sticks as they always sort of fade away into obscurity. Eruption is a band I know nothing about. Usually with some bands I know something about them as I see their names floating about, but they’ve never come onto my radar, which is surprising because they’ve been about since 2004. But no, with Tellurian Rupture they’ve made my radar and dear lord I’ve been missing out.
Opening with the almost 7-minute epic The Awakening, it shows the band that they have the riffs, the hooks and the sound to keep the sound of traditional thrash but make it sound fresh and unique. With the vocals of Klemin Kalin which either soar like an eagle or have the crunchy growls of an earthquake, it’s an amazing start to the album. Going straight into Worms, the guitar tones of Gregor Lavtar & Grega Kamensek absolutely savage through the song, and indeed, the rest of the entire record.
Beyond The Black highlights both the sound and abilities of drummer Ivan Capenac as he tears through the rest of the record light a freight train with his power, which unfortunately doesn’t continue the interlude By Ignorance Obscured. While it’s more of an ode to their power metal side of the power/thrash mixture they’ve birthed, it’s still a highlight for the band as both Lavtar, Kamensek & bassist Nika Krmelj.
On Coffin-Bred, that’s where they pick back up, with the vocals of Kalin still cutting sharp along with the guitar tone. Praise The Serpent Queen is a deceiving bitch. It’s a slow starter, again like By Ignorance Obscured, an ode to a ballad, but out of nowhere starting up to more of thrash, but then changing sounds to a slower approach for the end.
Gone With The Floods & Aegons Wrath shows off both the power metal and thrash side of the band perfectly as they intertwine to combine genres, which is an excellent move.
Then we come to the ender & album title, Tellurian Rupture. Starting out almost like a Yngwie Malmsteen album by showing off the fret work of both Lavtar & Kamensek, but then the band congeal to create possibly the best track on the album.
Then it ends, and you’re left with an almost empty feeling. Not because the album is bad, far, far from it. You feel empty because you’re never going to experience this album as new ever again. The entire album front to back is a work of art. And as an introduction to the band, well, it’s an absolute terrific way to get stuck into the world of Eruption’s power infused thrash. (5 / 5)