Firebreather – Dwell in the Fog

Firebreather – Dwell in the Fog
Release Date: 25th February 2022
Label: RidingEasy
Genre: Doom, Sludge, Stoner.
FFO: High on Fire, Monolord, Kyuss.
Review By: The Wayfaerer

Stoner Doom, the type of metal that no one really talks about. Whereas most metal bands tend to take a more fast-paced and aggressive approach to songwriting, Stoner doom tends to be more down paced, combining the long, droning plod of doom metal with acid rock to create a style of music all its own. And it’s in this little niche that Gothenburg, Sweden’s Firebreather resides. Headed up by guitarist and vocalist Mattias Nööjd, drummer Carl-Axel Wittbeck, and new bassist Nicklas Hellqvist, Firebreather are taking another step forwards in their craft with their third album, Dwell in the Fog

The first thing you realize about Firebreather is that these guys really like Matt Pike, which isn’t surprising. The Sleep/High on Fire frontman has a very distinct shouty growl and a killer guitar tone to match. Side by side, the two bands may sound all but indistinguishable, but Firebreather does just enough to stand out as more than just a copycat. For one, Firebreather eschews High on Fire’s thrash influence in favor of a more groove-oriented pace. The songs take their time and are more interested in taking you on a journey through your own doped-up fantasies, as the best way to listen to Stoner Doom is, obviously, when you’re indulging in some of the devil’s leaf, though it’s not required. Kiss of Your Blade kicks off with everything you can expect on this album, a great wall of sound of thunderous drums, sludgy, chugging guitars, and Nööjd’s great shouty growl like a general on horseback shouting commands to his army. Dwell in the Fog is probably my favorite on the whole album, with its melodic lead in giving way to drone influenced catchy riffs. Also, Nööjd’s shouts carry the song up to heights so high, you might as well be flying through space. Weather the Storm is another batch of catchy riffs all one atop another that will have you bobbing along whether you’re aware of it or not. Sorrow brings things back down to earth somewhat, with plenty of chugs and riffs to keep the journey going, but not so monumentally high as the previous two. But before you think the ride is about to be over, The Creed comes in to blow some wind under your wings, with its sonic riffs with an added flanger to propel you up into the stratosphere and beyond. Spirit’s Flown brings the album to a close with heavy drums and chugs working together with Nööjd’s shouts to end off on a high note (pun not intended).

Dwell in the Fog is a sonic journey through the cosmos, where blast beats are your ship, the low thunder of a bass guitar is your fuel, and the great chunky riffs are your hyperspace button. As a Stoner/Doom fan myself, this is a fantastic piece of music, although I don’t think it would be the appropriate album to introduce someone to the genre. The songs are a bit long, the shortest being five and a half minutes long, so it is a bit of a commitment. But if you fancy to take a trip through the stars, grab a bowl, light up, and crank this baby to 11, you will not be disappointed. 

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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