Galvanizer – Prying Sight of Imperfection
Release Date: 30th July 2021
Label: Everlasting Spew Records / Me Saco Un Ojo
Genre: Death Metal
FFO: Carcass, Exhumed, Obituary.
Review By: Paul Cairney
Prying Sight of Imperfection is the 2nd album from Finnish Death Metal trio, Galvanizer. It is unashamedly old school Death Metal, bordering a hint of grind throughout, and the bands influences are clear to see.
Let us get this out of the way straight away. Prying Sight of Imperfection cannot, in any way, shape or form, be considered a poor album. In fact, it is incredibly listenable. It will appeal to, and be enjoyed by, many metalheads throughout it’s 10 tracks. It is not a long album, and it will get the neck muscles moving at times.
The fact is that this album is 25 years too late.
If Galvanizer released this in the 90’s, people would have been swooning all over it. It would have easily slotted into your playlist and you would have enjoyed tracks such as, ‘Chthonic Profanation’ and ‘Grotesque Devotion’. In fact, there are no real obvious weak tracks on the album, it is a very competent record.
The three protagonists, drummer Niko Niemikko, singing bassist Vili Mäkinen and Aleksi Vähämäki on guitar have created a well structured death metal album that, although very enjoyable, does not set the heather on fire. There are no truly outstanding tracks, it is a very solid release that should provide a stepping-stone to their third album.
This is the biggest issue that Galvanizer have. I applaud the band for paying homage to their influences, but in doing so, they have released a safe album. That said, I would love to hear these tracks in a live setting, as it may give an added dimension, so hopefully we get to see them on tour as soon as Covid allows. (3 / 5)