Golgothan Remains – Adorned in Ruin

Golgothan Remains – Adorned in Ruin
Release Date: 1st April 2022
Label: Brilliant Emperor Records
Genre: Death Metal, Black Metal.
FFO: Dead Congregation, Ulcerate, Immolation, Phobocosm, Abyssal & Grave Miasma.
Review By: Jay Creepy

Okay, so here we go, total annihilation. From the first kick in your face, Golgothan Remains penetrate your soul with gnarled screams, whooping coughing growls and above all very level structured noise. The drum patterns are in a frenzy, the guitars are extreme, but I need to concentrate on the vocals for now. Matthieu Van Der Brande howls, he actually howls at times, and he changes his delivery so much on the introducing track, Veneration of Carnal Blasphemy, that I felt tingles down my spine. This is something I haven’t heard the likes of in a while. 

Coming off like a twisted Akercocke messily firing bodily fluids at Desecration, Golgothan Remains heaves your near lifeless torso into round two, and musically pounds frantically, whilst the guitars swirl, the bass backs up in strength, and Matthieu gargles and projectile vomits some kind of words along the way. I noticed the very well-placed and professionally done breakdown to guitar and quick drum roll here and there, nice.

Hmm, unfortunately as track three looms large, Wandering Through Chambers of Deathlike Void, we have a case of déjà vu for a minute or so, before the pace changes mid way. Matt Hilman on guitar duties is truly a beast, and Aled Powell machine like beats the skins like a crazy tribal man. This one has spoken interludes and that breaks any norm setting in so far. 

From then on the rot does set in slightly, maybe I was just too hyped, because the Sydney based crew of maniacs become rather tedious, the format seldom changes with exception of the musical nasty, The Malign Hordes of Abhorrence. Track six follows straight after with a more brutal standing, but then song seven, …of Morbid Blood and Serpent Skins reveals a problem (to my ears anyhow) and it’s now the vocals. The mix and match switching of style has blended, and you expect it way too much so, whilst the music is powerful, the voice becomes more limp.  

Nether the less, this band is punishing, as brutal as the old school death metal and extreme gatherings, and with a taste of the modern to make them a welcoming sound for newcomers and anyone wishing to delve deeper into putrid rhythms and hellish verbals. 

3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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