Gore Brigade – Gore Brigade (EP)
Release Date: 10th December 2021
Label: Redefining Darkness Records
Genre: Gore, Death Metal.
FFO: Exhumed, Gruesome, Goregasm, Cannibal Corpse.
Review By: Rick Farley
Coming in at just under 14 minutes, Gore Brigade rip through their six song Self-Titled EP like blood crazed maniacs on a murdering binge. Gore Brigade bring sophisticated, technical, and refined riffs combined with an old school approach to modern sounding horror and blood splattered Death Metal. It all sounds very familiar, but also remains fresh. The love of gore and horror have gone hand in hand with Death Metal for many years, producing some legendary bands. Exhumed, Cannibal Corpse and Carcass just to name a few. Bloody lyrics, monstrous growls and demonic high-pitched screams, Gore Brigade brings a freshness while drawing influence from the already familiar sounds of this genre. They don’t sound exactly like any of those bands mentioned, but their influence is there. That’s a refreshing thing to hear, a band that knows how they want to sound, and achieve that, all without sounding like clones. They’re not going to reinvent the wheel, but they don’t need to either.
Leaning towards the fast, aggressive side of things, Gore Brigade have a grand understanding of hooks and melody that will draw you in and make you scream along with the song Show me the Gore while headbanging yourself to a frenzied delirium. A fast-paced brutal slab of accessible Death Metal with a catchy sing along chorus will sure to be a fan favourite at live shows. This album is chock-full of palm muted grimy riffs, blasting groove filled drums and dive-bombing solos. It feels furious, fast, and relentlessly heavy while maintaining an accessible dynamic style that’s sure to please most listeners. It’s brutal sounding, but it’s got an unabashed enthusiasm for bloodletting fun that’s infectious and straightforward. Being only an EP, I can’t comment on any tracks being repetitive or slow moving. It all feels on point, and nothing drags.
A few of the tracks do clock in at two minutes or less, which I’ve never personally been of fan of. Often bands will do this and not complete the full thought within the song, it just ends abruptly. I just find that lazy and unfinished. However, here it works. March of the Gore Brigade comes in at 1:24 in length, it just chugs its way through one dimensionally being the introduction song like the undead rising for the oncoming apocalypse. It comes across more as an intro that bleeds into the next song. Combing the two songs makes for a more cohesive feel. A wretched Taste is a furious, violently paced song, blasting and pummelling its way through your eardrums. Soaring between gutturals and higher pitched screams creating a chaotic atmosphere that matches the songs intensity and never gives the listener a break. Both songs combined let the listener know exactly what they’re in for. It never veers far from the style of these first two songs, and I’m glad for that. A well-executed EP that will make listeners eager for an LP. Hopefully a full length will just bring more of the same, but for now, let’s just enjoy this rotting slab of carnal cacophony from Gore Brigade. Well done! (3.5 / 5)