Grand Demise of Civilization – The Blaze of Abaddon

Grand Demise of Civilization – The Blaze of Abaddon
Release Date:
4th June 2024
Label: Ordovician Records 
Genre: Black Metal, Blackened Death Metal, Melodic Black Metal. 
FFO: Deathspell Omega, Mgła, Wolves in the Throne Room, Behemoth, Blut aus Nord.
Review By: Rick Farley

Formed in 2008, Minneapolis, Minnesota black metal band Grand Demise of Civilization began life as a four piece, garnering attention on the local scene while releasing their debut album Black Goat Apocalypse. The band split up however in early 2009. After a rebirth initiated by Jason Notebaart (guitarist, vocalist) in 2012, their second album of self-proclaimed “Epic Hell Metal”, The Repent of the Sentient Being was unleashed in 2013. After adding a full-time drummer in 2017, two years later brought album number three Below the Feet of Kings. Now Jason, Dan Lerach (guitars, vocals), Alex Gorgos (bass, vocals), and Patrick Ruhland (drums) release The Blaze of Abaddon via Ordovician Records. A vicious concoction of traditional black metal and death metal elements that are both brutal as well as melodic. Hyper fast speed and intensity, Grand Demise of Civilization is relentless in their pursuit of bludgeoning the listener. All three members up front are vocalists, often splitting the vocal duties, ranging from high-pitched shrieks, raspy growls and bellowing gutturals. It is quite effective in setting the utter peril you will feel you are in from the suffocating menace that lurks throughout the entire album. 

The Blaze of Abaddon is six tracks, fifty-seven minutes of vile nastiness that will please even the blackest of heart. Delightfully evil, yet memorable and at times darkly melodic, the record grates on your psyche just enough to give you that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Various passages of atmospheric flourishes such as layered acoustics, fretless bass and slightly progressive touches keep this from being overly aggressive the entire time. The small breaks of melody emphasize the aggression that much more when the band returns to full tilt. It is a dizzying transition between the two. Album opener Redeemer of Wrath is ten plus minutes of searing tremolo guitars, blazing melodies, and enough black metal to burn a church down. I would not advise that, however, historically it has not worked out too well. Cathedral Reaper stands probably as my favourite track on the record. It is dark, brutal, hellish, and shockingly memorable. Changing riff patterns, frequently going from fast to bone breaking and everything in between. Tracks like Silencer set the mood with doomy atmosphere before the evil breaks loose. Gut-wrenching low tuned guitars buzz at a mid-paced slog, feeling sickening while the innards of hell spew out around you. The wretched track breaks into speedy blast beats and unorthodox black metal riffs, furthering the jarring of this satisfyingly ghastly song. 

The Blaze of Abaddon was recorded September 2021 – March 2024 at Silent Water Studios in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Engineered, mixed, and mastered by Dan Lerach, the record sounds good. It has the rawness you are looking for in black metal with enough low end to not be ear piercingly trebly. At times the volume can feel a little uneven from track to track but nothing that takes away the enjoyment of the record and nothing to really complain about, but worth noting in the review, I guess. It is recorded rather low, so you will have to crank this one up a little more, but that is necessarily not a bad thing. Your neighbours should be listening to this anyway.

All in all, Grand Demise of Civilization have released another enjoyable ride to Hell with their epic brand of hell metal. Check this one out.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)


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