Hand of Kalliach – Corryvreckan

Hand of Kalliach – Corryvreckan
Release Date: 23rd February 2024
Label: Prosthetic Records
Genre: Melodic Death Metal, Scottish Folk Music, Black Metal.
FFO: Lethal Storm, Revisal, Dunwich Ritual, Reaver, Saasta, Lumen Ad Mortem.
Review By: Mark Waight

Occasionally an album comes along that will make your jaw drop, as it quickly dawns on you that you are listening to something very special indeed. Corryvrecken by Hand of Kalliach is most certainly one of those albums, and you will very soon realise that this is the very best thing that you have treated your ears to in an absolute age.

The intoxicating fusion of Melodic Death Metal and Scottish Folk Music from Hand of Kalliach sounds like something you have never heard before, because it truly is something you have never heard before. Once you’ve heard it, you will ask yourself why the hell has no one done this before?

Hand of Kalliach is Edinburgh based husband and wife duo John and Sophie Fraser. The growling vocals, guitars, and drums are provided by John Fraser whilst Sophie Fraser provides the clean and pure vocals, plus bass. Together they make a fantastic team and sweet music!

Hand of Kalliach takes their name from the legendary witch god of winter in Scottish Celtic mythology. This ancient thread of Celtic and Gaelic folklore is woven and embedded deeply throughout the whole of the Corryvrecken album, along with the beautiful landscapes and seascapes of the Scottish islands.

Three Seas introduces us to Sophie Fraser’s beautiful vocals and whilst using the sea as a backdrop, the intensity slowly builds up to a brutal finish. A dreamy start that will instantly have you hooked.

First single from the album, Fell Reigns, has a fabulous bagpipe inspired riff that just left me in total awe the first time I heard it. John Frasers growls are impressive and just work so well with that traditional sound, it’s like they were always meant to be together. 

Hard, brutal, and sung in Gaelic, Dioghaltas is something totally new to me, and I like it. The pace is simply relentless from start to finish, but it’s those lyrics that make all the difference! Again, that Traditional Folk and Metal just melt together seamlessly.

Cirein-cròin is a full-on death metal assault on your ears, with melodic moments and just a light sprinkling of that folk music magic dust. Deathless just screams right at you as we race through the fastest track on the album at breakneck speed. The guitar playing is ferociously wild, with these two tracks being the most traditional styled Death Metal compositions on Corryvrecken!

The Hubris of Prince Bhreacan has elements of modern electro sounds running through it that help it to produce a very futuristic interpretation of a traditional folklore tale. Hand of Kalliach spin the story of a tortured and damaged soul in Unbroken You Remain, whilst still delivering something that is in a different class!

The Cauldron cooks up a speedy and very palatable treat, all delivered at a furious pace with the pedal firmly to the metal all the way. Short and very tasty, but still showing that Hand of Kalliach have a wicked eye for detail and storytelling.

The closing track Of Twilight and the Pyre is slightly softer and gentler on the ears with a rich traditional vein running through its main core, although the more brutal side does force its way to the fore on occasions.

It’s hard to believe that Corryvrecken is only Hand of Kalliach’s sophomore album, as they already sound so polished and accomplished that you would think they already have a string of releases behind them. Must be something in the water up there! Corryvrecken is already a nailed-on favourite to be right up there with the very best albums of 2024, and It’s going to take some beating. You have now been forewarned, the superb Hand of Kalliach is a band to watch out for and Corryvrecken is soon going to be on everybody’s playlist! 

Highly recommended, so order yourself a copy (I have)!

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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