Hell Militia – Hollow Void
Release Date: 18th March 2022
Label: Season of Mist Underground Activists
Genre: Death Metal, Black Metal.
FFO: Mütiilation, Arkhon Infaustus, Sektemtum, Corpus Christii.
Review By: Jay Creepy
Hell Militia first sound like a slowed down version of Desecration and your classic death metal sounding madness. That makes them highly appealing to your humble twisted reviewer, Jay Creepy. Double vocal slurps, growls and snarls, frantic paced guitars and drums going off on one, what’s not to like?
Lifeless Light really throws a very heavy chunk of skull crushing power into your face. However, it’s track two, Genesis Undone which reveals a mature band that have planned their music carefully for themselves and the listener. This is the kind of stuff that you find in some seedy sawdust filled pub in the middle of nowhere whilst bikers and angry looking mutant faced freaks watch you outside as you arrive. Hell Militia will probably play in that very edifice.
It’s been ten years since their last album, the timescale caused by various reasons, but this band has regrouped and RSDX on vocals is a force of nature, unnatural, guttural and alarming. I think by the time Dust of Time absorbs you like The Blob, you realize just how essential they are in a field of music vastly overpopulated. They are a cross-breed of death and black, old and new, the frikkin’ guitars are brilliant courtesy of Saroth and Arkdaemon (see what I mean about this, how many members have names like that these days????!!!!) And the drums…. midway through Within the Maze we have a SOAD inspired (sounding like at least) roll that had me jump up followed by a transition in the guitar work which caved me in like a melting plastic mannequin. RSDX delivers each and every time. As the finale, Corruption Rejoice throbs from the speakers, you’re exhausted but content in the knowing that you’ve experienced something really special.
There is so much rage, bitterness and pure energy contained within the pulsing rhythms combined with a good healthy dose of Satanism and magick. The ingredient totally dominant here is creativity and remaining diverse in their tunes. Not one song sounds alike in any way, and this holds up nine times! Adding to the fact that Hell Militia look like total bad asses who will only give you a stern nod as you pass by them at the bar. Oh, my Dark Lord, I love image so much in a band, it’s still important to me! Hell Militia are serious, and I dare you to laugh at them. (5 / 5)