Her Anxiety – No Land In Sight
Release Date: 18th November 2022
Label: Art Gate Records
Genre: Electronicore, Metalcore.
FFO: Enter Shikari, Asking Alexandria, The Browning.
Review By: Liam True
Blending electronic passages and guitar riffs that most bands could only dream about conjuring, Her Anxiety are bringing back the style of electronicore that was made popular by bands like Asking Alexandria, The Browning & Crossfaith back in the late 2000’s and early 2010’s. While most people would rather that stay buried, I, for one, am excited about a resurgence of the genre as it provided me with most of the bands I grew up with in my youth and that changed my outlook on metal as a whole.
Her Anxiety have done a brilliant job with fusing together the synth backgrounds to the metalcore music in a way that hasn’t been heard since maybe 2013/2014. Starting off with opener First World Company it highlights what the band is capable of in terms of songwriting. With the screams of Aida Chicle and cleans of guitarist Rodrigo Blas, their lyrics range between personal experiences in the band to current environmentalism and world-class societies as the band in tow explode with a sound that’s old school but fresh.
Dear Lion & Release The Shark are both massive tracks as they each show the skills of the band as drummer Josue shines on Release The Shark and guitarists Blas & Jorge Fernandez each show their fretwork on Dear Lion as they harmonise together to create a somewhat beautiful tone in the dark song itself.By the time you get to Graveyard For The Beautiful Souls it does become somewhat stale as it feels like a case of ‘same song syndrome’ which is quite sad because they are good songs, just it doesn’t feel like there’s much variety toward the end of the album. But seeing as the band was formed in 2020 and this is their debut, it’s a wonderful throwback to the times when every band wanted to sound the same. While the album does get repetitive toward the end, it’s a standout to what most bands are doing these days. (3 / 5)