Khemmis – Deceiver

Khemmis – Deceiver
Release Date: 19th November 2021
Label: Nuclear Blast
Genre: Doom
FFO: Candlemass, Pallbearer, Spirit Adrift, Yob.
Review By: Paul Cairney

Somehow, since the release of their 3rd album in 2018, Denver doom crew, Khemmis, have shrunk to a 3 piece for their 4th album ‘Deceiver’. The good news is that this shrinkage has not affected the quality of this album. You see, Khemmis are a very consistent band in terms of musical quality, and hearing the line-up has had a subtle change was slightly disconcerting.

6 tracks long, Deceiver manages to come in under the 42-minute mark, which for a doom band can be essential to ensure the album doesn’t drag. That said, I have listened to this album alongside their back catalogue, a good few hours of continuous listening pleasure, and the sheer quality of the band demands that you find them interesting at all times.

Describing the albums lyrical content as being, ‘similar to Dante’s descent into an Inferno of his own making’, vocalist and guitarist Phil Pendergast goes onto to say that the Deceiver is the bands darkest album yet. ‘I can’t just cast aside the burden in my heart’ is a line from the album’s stand-out track, ‘The Living Pyre’. The album is littered with superb narrative lyrics, more than adequately explaining the human mind’s battle with it’s ‘own beast that must be wrangled’, as described by guitarist and vocalist Ben Hutcherson.

The doomy heaviness of the album cannot be understated. The second stand-out track ‘Shroud of Lethe’ is as dark as it is outstanding. Taking you on a journey, the track is the longest on the album, and you are genuinely disappointed when it ends.

I have listened to Khemmis for a few years now, albeit not consistently. They are a band that with albums that you dip in and out of, with their second album ‘Hunted’ being my personal favourite. With Deceiver, the trio have at least matched it, and repeat listens will no doubt ensure it becomes my favourite Khemmis album. 

Not quite a masterpiece, Deceiver is an album that is as good a doom album you will hear this year.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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