Locust Grove – The Battle of Locust

Locust Grove – The Battle of Locust
Release Date: 3rd June 2022
Label: Self Released
Genre: Metal!!
FFO: Skid Row, Pantera, Classic Metal.
Review By: Paul Cairney

The Battle of Locust is an unapologetic, riff laden, classic metal album that should not make you feel as good as it does.  

Locust Grove are the purveyors of this metal, and it has made me smile every time I have listened to it over the past 2 weeks. Yes, it isn’t the most original, it has cliché ridden lyrics that, and I guarantee this, will not leave your head no matter how much you try – I have no doubt that some of these tracks will make there way on to my ‘songs stuck in my head’ Spotify playlist at some point. I find myself singing, ‘same old shit just a different day’ at various times during the day. Brilliant!

Do you like solos? We have solos! Lots of brilliant, well executed guitar solos that, more often than not, utterly fit within the context of the song. Well-placed and well written, they accentuate the main riff in each track, and you will play your tired and worn air guitar with the vigour it deserves! It must also be said that throughout all 12 tracks, the vocals are nothing short of superb. 

The Battle of Locust is an independent release. These guys have no label backing at all, and so this is the album that is more than likely true to who they actually are.  Can the album be improved, undoubtably! The lyrics are not great. The band do not have a modern sound. They are a classic metal band; I know no other genre they could fit into. Think Machine Head crossed with the groove of Pantera and you get the feeling Locust Grove portray.

There is an awful lot to like about The Battle of Locust, but there is also a raft of, what some may believe to be, failings. The lack of originality, clichéd lyrics and the fact that it doesn’t sound like it is a 2022 album may irk some.

Me? Despite the flaws, this is the most enjoyable album I have heard this year!

3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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