Nixil – From the Wound Spilled Forth Fire
Release Date: 25th August 2023
Label: Prosthetic Records
Genre: Black Metal, Atmospheric, Progressive Black Metal.
FFO: Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega, Emperor, Watain.
Review By: Rick Farley
“Nixil is a manifestation of chaos, rage, strength, and despair. Our aim is to strip away the illusions and limitations of existence through an honest and sincere appeal to the art, magick and potential of black metal.”
From the Wound Spilled Forth Fire is the second chapter of progressive black metal from Baltimore, Maryland’s own, Nixil. Dark and corrosive, their scorched earth approach to black metal is an abrasive listen. Recently signed to Prosthetic Records, the bands burning riffs and destructive style of the dark arts is not for the weak or faint of heart. 2021’s All Knots Tied was just the surface of what nightmares are to come.
Collapsing the Poles kicks off with a nod to old school blackened thrash, coming out of the gate with a sickeningly distorted riff reminiscent of the glory days of black metal. The terrifying track wastes no time transitioning to a more French black metal influenced dissonance. Somewhat melodic and catchy, but with a seething, warped sense of melody. Caustic higher pitched tremolo picked leads, blend awkwardly over a mixture of airy guitar riffs and spastic blast beats. It somehow manages to sound out of control, yet easily digested. The second half of this nearly eight minute opus, separated by the building of aggression from a shouting to screaming to screeching vocals style that brings the intensity level to spiritual hellishness, finishes with catchier riffs and meditative melodies. A stunning force of sonic chaos, that the band claims to be their “siren song,” and I couldn’t agree more.
There are instants of brilliance strung throughout From the Wound Spilled Forth Fire. The panicked ambience of In thrall comes across as the blissful doorway that leads straight to the black abyss. Volatile and malicious, but with a mesmerizing seduction that will entrance even the strongest of wills. Guiding you with wonder, ecstasy, and terror. A Door Never Closed draws from the second wave of black metal with reckless thrashiness. Progressively haunting at times with a knack for unleashing hell filled riffs at a moment’s notice. Despite being ugly and sneering, From the Wound Spilled Forth Fire is chock-full of precise musicianship. Bits of atmospheric blackness, that will invoke strong emotions of pure dread, horror, and intoxicating evil, while other moments will obliterate with crusty barbed guitars and vile blast beats that will easily penetrate your skull. The complexities, while not completely hidden, will eventually burrow into your consciousness, lingering, ensuring multiple listens. Traditional heavy metal melodies, masterfully tucked within the biting discordancy, adds tremendous emotional impact. Without a doubt, skilled songwriting that blurs the line of wickedness, and deceitful tranquillity.
Recorded live at Magpie Cage Recording Studio with J. Robbins and mastered by James Plotkin, From the Wound Spilled Forth Fire sounds airy, claustrophobic, and uneasy. As it should. The harsh ugliness is captured exactly as it was intended by the band. The production does suffer a bit from the drums sounding a little muffled and low in the mix at times, but honestly in black metal, it still works and makes it even more spiteful. For a band only on their second full length, to be this bewitching with hideous soundscapes is proof that they’re no fluke. Enjoy this with a cup of goat blood and an open mind. Darkness awaits. (4 / 5)