Obsidian Sea – Pathos
Release Date: 4th February 2022
Label: Ripple Music
Genre: Prog, Shoegaze, Blues.
FFO: Spiritual Beggars, Mothers of Invention, Sleep.
Review By: David Oberlin
I am going to ignore the suggested explanations from the press release on this one. Where terms such as naive exuberance and dreamlike melancholy have no place being tentatively held together. For want of a picture, naive exuberance is when you clap too early during a song’s break, cum middle eight. And, dreamlike melancholy: whatever drugs sponged that together, go get some good ones.
The fourth album from Bulgaria’s Obsidian Sea, simply titled Pathos, is a rare indulgence of classic influences. In part, this album sounds like it could soundtrack a Fulci horror flick. While the rest of its musing sounds like something Zappa could have orchestrated. Yet, far, far more coherent. It is structurally solid. Even if it does devolve into pure indulgence with overly arpeggiated filler every now and then.
The message of the album, its intent, is striking too. Vocalist Avramov details the erring stroke of banality that has encompassed the worlds’ view: “mourning the lost sense of wonder, longing for a renewed connection with one’s existence.” He says. And, sure enough, the tunes on this album vigorously inspire a sense of wonderment. And, excluding some prog monotony, the album is pure joy to listen to from start to finish.
Pathos is a straight talking movement that shows not just musical integrity but emotional righteousness; A joyride through reverie tempered with imagination. It is a cruiser, so do not expect to be blown away, but do hold out because it is a journey more than a destination kind of art. (3 / 5)