Ofdrykkja – After the Storm
Release Date: 25th November 2022
Label: AOP Records
Genre: Post-Rock, Folk, Death Metal, Black Metal, Post Black, Doom.
FFO: Ulver, Black Hill, Oh Hiroshima.
Review By: Jason James
Ofdrykkia return with their new album on November 25th.
After The Storm marks a departure from the Swedish metallers usual style. Almost entirely gone are the blackened elements of their sound. The squealing electric guitars make way for a much calmer, serene acoustic tone, the music taking on an altogether more folk-inspired bent. The machine gun-like sprays of modern drums have given way to traditional Shaman drum. The vocal is often whispered or chanted in low tones, juxtaposed with the near choral strains of Miranda Samuelsson’s singing. Strains of viola and Celtic harp also play a prominent role.
This is definitely an album made to exist in a historical space. But there are also modern day electronic practices used here that convey to the listener that this album is a bridge between the ancient Scandinavia and the modern.
The themes have not changed, though. This is still a very doom-laden album tonally. Regret and mental anguish lace each track, haunting them like a malevolent spirit. The protagonist struggles with his place in the world and seems to retreat into a time he probably sees as simpler, only to be dragged back to modernity and reality to face his demons once again.
After The Storm is as well put together as this band’s previous projects. This departure in style is refreshing and, to my mind, constitutes an absolute win for them. This is hands down my favourite piece of work from these artists. And their previous work is high quality. I hope they continue to explore, but would not be disappointed if they decide to lean once again into their post black roots. (4 / 5)