Other World – Tenebrous
Release Date: 30th August 2024
Label: Debemur Morti Productions
Genre: Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Melodic Black Metal, Post-Black Metal, Doom.
FFO: Drudkh, Lantlôs, Bölzer, Der Weg Einer Freiheit.
Review By: Rick Farley
Created early in 2012 by Christopher Garcia (guitarist/synth/programming), California contemporary black metal band Other World was initially a side project to his then band Black Salvation, but as his tenure with those other projects ended, his focus shifted entirely to Other World. After one full length and several singles leading up to 2019 the band went on hiatus only to return four years later with a few new signals that eventually lead up to the newest full length Tenebrous via Debemur Morti Productions on August 30th, 2024. An intoxicating brew of atmospheric and experimental black metal. Doomy, post and ambient filled, this is closer to modern black metal than it is to the nasty rawness of the old days. No less dark or anxiety stricken, Tenebrous borders the line between terrifying moments of loss and the realization and acceptance of it all. Rather than grieve the awareness, it’s meant to be embraced and to carry on. A fine life lesson for us all that is so difficult to execute. Tenebrous does an excellent job of balancing the light and darkness with hypnotic black metal painted with long brush strokes of spirited airiness and ample dread. Genuine moments of hope followed by utter despair will have your emotions all over the spectrum in its nearly forty minute runtime.
Tenebrous on the surface is not far off from most modern post black metal bands and really doesn’t offer anything that will blow the doors of the genre so to speak. However, Other World do enough of the little things to truly stand out amongst the pack. The guitar tone is buzzy almost in the realm of chainsaw toned death metal, The vocals careen from layered, chanting style cleans to horrifically raspy and guttural. The amount of doom really lays on a thick swampy atmosphere while ugly black metal riffs snake just above the murkiness. It’s an intriguing sound that’s capped off by blast beats, synths, mysterious ambience, uplifting melodicism, and all around excellent songwriting. More droning ugliness, rather than shoegaze, separates this even further from the hum drum of the genre. Some black metal bands within, lose the authenticity of how this music should make you feel just by trying too hard to be post and ultra sad. That’s not the case with Other World by any means. This record makes you feel natural emotions based on its songwriting and song structures. It has a silky smoothness through rough edged, jagged sounds and brutality which enhance the otherworldly feel of the whole record. There’s a certain freshness that forces its way out from within the rotting flesh that’s surrounding it.
Other World sounds as if they’re on the cusp of bringing us that genre defining album sometime in their very bright future. But for now, Tenebrous is a shining example of how contemporary black metal isn’t just for hipster black metal enthusiast. Check this one out. (3.5 / 5)
This album is really, really good. As the author notes, there is nothing here that is earth shattering or the new tremolo of today, but it is a solid entry in to the pantheon of atmospheric black metal. The production is top tier, though I wish the bass was stronger.
Glad you are enjoying it, Mike!