Pijn – From Low Beams of Hope
Release Date: 28th June 2024
Label: Floodlit Recordings
Genre: Post-Metal, Post-Rock.
FFO: Russian Circles, Pelican, Godspeed You! Black Emperor.
Review By: Paul Cairney
From Low Beams of Hope is the first album from Manchester band Pijn’s new independent label Floodlit Records. Work originally started on the album way back in 2019, only for line-up changes to encourage a re-recording of the album.
What you can expect from Pijn is 45 minutes or so of Post-Metal goodness. What some may find concerning is that it is a mere 4 tracks that compile the 45 minutes, and so From Low Beams of Hope sounds like an album that meanders and plods along like other ‘post-metal/post-rock’ albums. Some may feel that the album will wallow in its own depth and not actually step up to entertain.
If these are your thoughts, you’d be wrong!
Pijn have released their 3rd album, and it delves deep into their own psyche to give the listener a profound sense of, dare we say, encouragement in the future, whilst always remembering earlier, perhaps more difficult times.
This said, the album is not perfect. It is a good listen, it entices the listener in, but it never quite holds the attention. Despite the variation delivered inside the 4 tracks, the multiple listens I gave the album resulted in a difficulty to discern a notable break between the songs. It feels like the 3rd track, ‘On the Far Side of Morning’ doesn’t really exist. It is just part of track 2 and 4.
Some may see this as a good thing. The album flows, there is no dip in quality, and so on. It doesn’t work that way. It is the polar opposite in that it is incredibly noticeable that you are coming to the end of track 4 when you didn’t actually realise that ‘Carved Expanse’ had finished.
Overall, From Low Beams of Hope is a decent listen. It has enjoyable riffs, strong vocals and a stellar production.
Unfortunately, it just leaves you wanting more, but not in the manner you would like. (3.5 / 5)