ROTBORN – On the Perspective of an Imminent Downfall
Release Date: 9th September 2022
Label: Redefining Darkness Records
Genre: Death Metal, Thrash Metal.
FFO: Escuela Grind, The Troops of Doom.
Review By: Jason James
Rotborn ready their debut album On the Perspective of an Imminent Downfall, to be unleashed on the 9th of September 2022.
The band have great pedigree in the Brazilian metal scene, with the drummer, Nestor Carrera, already having made his name with the band Escarnium and Vitor Caricati (Guitar) and Jeferson Tarzia (Bass) putting in more than three decades of work as members of legendary thrash band Overthrash. Luis Salazar completes the quartet on vocals, growling and snarling his through the eight eardrum-pulverizing tracks like a dragon having a nightmare.
On the Perspective of an Imminent Downfall is an exercise in noise and fury. There is absolutely no let-up from the frenzy. This is violence music at its most primal, conjuring up images of two ancient armies with handheld weaponry charging towards each other and the crunch, clash and clatter as they meet in the middle of some far-flung field, vision then obscured by the crush of bodies, as well as blood and viscera.
The rage is unyielding as Rotborn crafts track after track of bullish outrage. Anyone who listens to this album will know exactly how the band feels about the current state they find themselves in. With track titles like Fubar, Condemned and Praise the Downfall, there can be no confusion as to the direction this album takes. My personal pick is The Stench of a New Era to Come. It is a study in ferocity, the band expertly changing tempo to further drive home their point.
Rotborn are not the easiest band to get into if the listener is not well versed on this metal subgenre, but if this type of music is your jam, On the Perspective of an Imminent Downfall is a worthy addition to your collection. (3.5 / 5)