SCALD – Ancient Doom Metal

SCALD – Ancient Doom Metal
Release Date: 26th July 2024
Label: High Roller Records
Genre: Ancient Doom Metal
FFO: Bathory, Candlemass, Tumulus.
Review By: Paul Cairney

After the tragic death of original vocalist, Agyl, in 1997, Russian Doom outfit, Scald, essentially folded the band, forming Folk metal band ‘Tumulus’ instead. Then, 27 years after their one and only album, and 3 years after said debut was re-released, the remaining members have reformed and released Ancient Doom Metal

In doing this, they have bedded in a new vocalist, Felipe Plaza Kutzbach, whose vocal stylings have more than an Iron Maiden era Blaze Bayley about them. It is fair to say that these vocals utterly compliment the epic doominess expressed by the album. The blend is quite superb.

Scald have not merely hit on a great album title, they have actually delivered Ancient Doom Metal throughout the 7 track, 50 minute long album. The songs speak to your deepest soul, your soul will sing along to the superb vocals. 

But, vocals are not enough and this is where the band deliver on all fronts, with mighty doom riffs and a crushing rhythm section. Solos are also littered through the songs, and more than once you wish that they were maybe just slightly extended. 

The most interesting thing about Ancient Doom Metal is the specific type of doom the band provides. Many modern doom bands go for a female vocal, and an ethereal sound. Scald are delightfully different. Perhaps not as heavy as many modern bands in the genre, but infinitely more listenable than a few bands I could name.

Scald are a name that might not be familiar to you. Their promising career was unfairly cut short after their debut album. They may not have picked up where they left off, the world has changed, but with Ancient Doom Metal they have a brand-new beginning, and it is a promising return from a band we could refer to as ‘veterans’.

Ancient Doom Metal is an epic listen.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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