Sevendust – Truth Killer

Sevendust – Truth Killer
Release Date: 28th July 2023
Label: Napalm Records
Genre: Progressive Metal, Alternative Metal, Nu-Metal, Hard Rock.
FFO: Nonpoint, Dark New Day, Taproot, Flaw.
Review By: Metal Miguel

What’s to say. Sevendust have been around since 1994 and have 13 amazing albums, consistent in every way and progressed as musicians, refining their sound from one to the next but maintaining that unique blend of metal and groove, charged and relaxed all in the same song sometimes. Album number 14 is only different in the same way the last 13 have been, that they have refined again on their formula and kept the level of excitement and writing on a constant high, and a production that has a balanced and flawless consistency that I adore.

I’ve been a fan since the beginning and have followed with great love and affection as the songs have that perfect amount of clarity and explosive edge from the band and the vocals. Lajon is easily one of my favourite vocalists of all time, and he leads what is easily one of my favourite metal bands of that genre. This album has not disappointed at all, and can’t express how lucky and excited I was when the record label allowed me to have a listen to it and review it.

For a band that has such a rich back catalogue and a Grammy, I’m surprised at how slow they have been given global recognition, but I’m also happy with that, the over saturation of commercialism means that awesome bands like this can cruise in the middle lane and have a good, strong following without too much pomp and ceremony, and they will reward the fans with a consistently enjoyable album. This album is excellent in every way, and I’ll struggle to articulate that in my usual way but if Sevendust was a bottle of whisky they would be a lovely 29-year-old single malt that you can enjoy at any time of the day while you reflect on life but also as a soundtrack to your everyday life – I’d have a bottle on my shelf always.

I will also struggle to pick a favourite track as they are all solid in my opinion, but if I were forced to do it and pick a banger of a tune, then I’d have to pick the song Fence, but only because it has an epic video. The stop-motion animation that must have taken forever to make, but is a damn fine watch and entertaining to the last, which just compliments the epic tune. If you haven’t heard this band before, then this album is a good one to find and start your love affair and if you are a long-term fan, you’ll be hard-pressed to find issues with this; if you do, then you need to question your life choices. Of course, I jest, but seriously, this album rocks and anything else just won’t do.

5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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