SHADOHM – Through Darkness Towards Enlightenment
Release Date: 8th March 2024
Label: Self Made God Records
Genre: Metal, Metalcore, Progressive Metal.
FFO: Architects, The Interbeing, Lorna Shore.
Review By: Metal Miguel
“Through Darkness, Towards Enlightenment” is the new album by the band ShadohM or Shadoh-m or, well, I’m not too sure how you’re supposed to pronounce the name. Is it like “shadow” as in a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface? Perhaps used about proximity, ominous oppressiveness, or sadness and gloom? Or like something large hitting the ground? I’m not sure but the Polish metal scene veterans have another EP, five tracks, 30 minutes in the styles of Architects, Lorna Shore, The Interbeing and bands of a similar ilk. Maybe even Katatonia. But you know, it’s got that whole melodic trance kind of vibe about it, decent vocals and a good production all around.
It says on the electronic press kit, though, that drums were recorded somewhere, and vocals were recorded somewhere else. I’m not entirely sure that helps the selling of the band, or the album for that matter. I don’t see how any of it is relevant, unless the particular instruments or indeed soundscape or room it was recorded in has some way made it sound the way it does, but I’m not entirely sure it did. Anyway, I’m just waffling now.
Released on Self Made God Records on the 8th of March 2024, the band have said that the perception of surrounding reality has inspired everything that they encounter through the years. It’s sort of a form of releasing the pressure and frustration that’s been growing within them, and making the album is a sort of form of catharsis therapy and coming to terms with demons and finding the strength to pursue goals against all odds. Now, I recently wrote another review for another band, and they were pretty much saying the same thing. I think it was The Wind Covenant.
Their new EP pretty much had the same thing to say that the… what were they saying now…“Reflection in the process, letting go of things that once weren’t right for you.” Anyway, it seems like everybody is jumping on the bandwagon of having these thought-provoking moments, and perhaps that’s what the album Through Darkness towards enlightenment means. But to be honest I think listening to the band, you know, just if you take all inner conflict and style of writing, you move it all to one side and just listen to them, the music is quite good. It’s got nice chunky solid metal riffs as melodic in places, and it has a nice combination of various elements of metal within it.
30 minutes, tracks 1 through 5 all just seem to blend seamlessly into each other, and it’s an enjoyable ride, but that’s probably about it. There’s nothing that outstanding and if it is a cathartic release from the band then maybe they feel better, but I’m not entirely sure I do. I mean it was good, but I’m not sure that any part of my psyche or any meaningful content was absorbed by listening to this release, but it is what it is and if you like your metal solid, melodic and structured then I would say you’ll probably enjoy this.
But everybody seems to be releasing EP length releases as well; 5 songs, 30 minutes. I don’t know what the issue is; I don’t know if it’s a money thing or if they just don’t have enough content? Who knows.
Through the Darkness, Towards Enlightenment, 5 songs, 30 minutes, and with hints of bands like Architects, Lorna Shore, The Interbeing, maybe a few others that I’m not going to give free marketing on, but you should check it out and make up your mind yourself. (3 / 5)