Slower – Slower

Slower – Slower
Release Date: 26th January 2024
Label: Heavy Psych Sounds
Genre: Doom, Sludge, Stoner.
FFO: Slayer, Fu Manchu, Kyuss, Kylesa, Lowrider, Monolord, Windhand, Year of the Cobra.
Review By: Paul Cairney

This is a genius idea! No, not a collection of Slayer tracks transformed into a magnificent collection of sludgy, stoner doom, although that is also a good idea. No, the genius is calling the band Slower.

Slower is a supergroup of sorts, featuring members of Fu Manchu, Kyuss, Kylesa, Monolord, Lowrider and Year of the Cobra. The eponymous album features 5 cover versions of Slayer songs that go beyond a typical ‘tribute’ album. This is a reimagining of Slayer, with the tracks reconfigured, but in a manner where the riffs and the backbone of the songs still being recognisable.

The brainchild of Fu Manchu guitarist, Bob Balch, who essentially found a student who wanted to learn ‘South of Heaven’. Being a beginner, Balch slowed the track down to facilitate the students learning. To cut a long story short, the thought occurred to Balch to basically doom it up! 

A few years after the initial thoughts, Balch reached out to other musicians and the Slower project was born. Being a collaborative project, Slower features different musicians playing on different tracks, for example Scott Reeder only plays on one song – the magnificent album closer ‘South of Heaven’ which also features Kylesa vocalist Laura Pleasants for a single performance. Amy Barrysmith from Year of the Cobra is superb in the other 4 tracks.

Being a doom album, the tracks are obviously longer. Album opener, ‘War Ensemble’ is over 10 minutes long – in Slayer terms, an eternity – and would actually have taken up over ¼ of ‘Seasons in the Abyss’ running time. The extension of the track goes to demonstrate the class of the album, and the imagination of the protagonists’ to take a classic track and genuinely make it their own.

The only issue I have with the album is that the tracks that bookend the album are stronger that the 3 that sit in the middle. However, this may just be my personal preference, as they are 2 of my favourite Slayer songs. The other tracks, just to sell this album further, are The Antichrist, Blood Red and Dead Skin Mask, each given the Slower treatment.

This album is an absolute breath of fresh air. The skill in deconstructing classic songs by arguably the greatest and purest thrash band of them all should not be underestimated. Some Slayer fans may find the idea of this album absolutely abhorrent. 

They would be wrong. This album should encourage the most ardent and blinkered thrash fan to check out additional Doom albums. It is an unfeasibly enjoyable listen.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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