Summoning The Lich – United In Chaos

Summoning The Lich – United In Chaos
Release Date: 26th February 2021
Label: Prosthetic Records
Genre: Technical Death Metal, Blackened Death Metal.
FFO: Black Dahlia Murder, Revocation, All Shall Perish.
Review By: Ken Love

Summoning The Lich’s debut album ‘United In Chaos’ is a frenzied and breathless example of how to gut punch your audience on your first roll of the dice. If the thought of a band that perfectly channel the ferocious blackened death of Black Dahlia Murder or Revocation, who incorporate subtle elements of Slam and even demonstrate the progressive tendencies of bands like Obscura or Death then this is for you. In reality, it is simply a smorgasbord of expertly executed death metal that manages to touch on almost all its sub-genres. All the while, the record is underpinned by a fantasy concept & storyline in the vein of Lord of the Rings or Dungeons & Dragons.

In honesty, a Lord of the Rings-inspired death metal concept album would not be top of my list of ‘must listen to’ things. I’ve personally never been a fan of that type of fiction. Yet, whether you follow the storyline here or not, the music is what is king. The way this band can manage to weave frenetic tremolo riffs into galloping thrash ones, progressive bass lines over blistering double bass, all while backed up by the twisted & schizophrenic vocals of David Bruno; ‘United In Chaos’ is a visceral joy to behold.

The real star here is the aforementioned David Bruno who has a range within his screaming that really impresses. If you want to talk about range in the world of screaming, here is a textbook example of a death metal vocalist who vocally goes everywhere and back again. Whether delivering classic gutturals, pig squeals or higher register shrieks – he rarely maintains the same delivery through a song (in fact, rarely during a single verse) and this keeps the vocals consistently exciting. He manages to channel Trevor Strnad, Randy Blythe, Travis Ryan and, even, Devin Townsend and plenty more in between.

From the moment the nightmarish screams, and quite apocalyptic drums open ‘The Nightmare Begins’ you will be in no doubt if this album is for you. It’s heavy, it’s ugly, it’s exciting. If you’re looking for a more traditional groove-laden banger, ‘The Gatecreeper’ will sort you out; looking for something resembling a catchy chorus? ‘Demon of the Snow’ should do. ‘Predatory Perfection’ has hints of early-Lamb of God while the title track expands on the tech influences with some wonderful bass playing by John Flynn over the outro.

Summoning The Lich have released a hugely ambitious and impressive metal opus with ‘United In Chaos’; like Coheed & Cambria’s much angrier & infinitely more violent brother. It’s hugely exciting to think where they may go next. Watch this space.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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