NOTHING – The Self Repair Manifesto
For a debut album, The Self Repair Manifesto is remarkably polished … MoreNOTHING – The Self Repair Manifesto
Metal Album Reviews | Metal Podcast | Metal Playlist
For a debut album, The Self Repair Manifesto is remarkably polished … MoreNOTHING – The Self Repair Manifesto
The Overall tone of the album is violent, meaty, and full of big tones, leads, and virtuosic playing, something that you absolutely can’t miss if you are a fan of the technical or progressive death genreThe Overall tone of the album is violent, meaty, and full of big tones, leads, and virtuosic playing, something that you absolutely can’t miss if you are a fan of the technical or progressive death genreThe Overall tone of the album is violent, meaty, and full of big tones, leads, and virtuosic playing, something that you absolutely can’t miss if you are a fan of the technical or progressive death genreThe Overall tone of the album is violent, meaty, and full of big tones, leads, and virtuosic playing, something that you absolutely can’t miss if you are a fan of the technical or progressive death genreThe Overall tone of the album is violent, meaty, and full of big tones, leads, and virtuosic playing, something that you absolutely can’t miss if you are a fan of the technical or progressive death genre … MoreFleshbore – Painted Paradise
A solid mix of melodic death metal, thrash, and atmosphere … MoreChronicle – Where Chaos Thrives
Back for Round 2! … MoreThe Buried Underground – November ’22
A masterpiece of progressive extreme metal … MoreObsidious – Iconic
Fallelujah! … MoreFallujah – Empyrean
Even though, the vocals can become a little repetitive, they don’t distract from the overall intended tone of the album, lending credence to the notion that, overall, Coagulating Mirth is a fun EP that can easily be played on repeat, each track having impressive and thoughtfully-written melodic death metal components which point to great technique as well as clever production … MoreThe Atrophic – Coagulating Mirth
Making prog great again … MoreNuclear Power Trio – A Clear and Present Rager