The Mosaic Window – Hemasanctum

The Mosaic Window – Hemasanctum
Release Date:
15th November 2024
Label: Willowtip Records
Genre: Melodic Black Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Blackened Thrash.
FFO: Kvaen, Gorgoroth, Hath, Dissection, Necrophobic, Thulcandra.
Review By: Rick Farley

One-man blackened death metal force, led by Andrew Steven Brown, The Mosaic Window is set to release album number two, Hemasanctum, on Willowtip Records, November 15th, 2024. A vicious amalgamation of extremes that also has a reckless taste for thrashiness and classic heavy metal spirit. 

Hemasanctum is a concept album that explores my current thoughts on life, relationships (parent, child), and loss. While it may or may not be obvious, the album starts with a song about birth and ends with a song about death. In between are songs intentionally out of order (like the roller coaster timeline we all experience) subtly relating to topics like self-awareness, mental health, abortion, religion, and grief. I am so proud of this album, and hope listeners can appreciate it too. Cheers!” Andrew Steven Brown. 

In 2023 The Mosaic Window’s debut album Plight of Acceptance was released as a eulogy for his loved ones lost. It was so full of real emotion and spiritual songwriting that it caught the attention of Willowtip Records. Impressed, the label re-released the album later that year. Now one year removed, The Mosaic Window return to build upon their uncompromising black metal with incredibly thoughtful melodicism and chaotic darkness. Traces of traditional heavy metal ethos shine through the abrasive grittiness, adding tremendous personality to the walls of scorching atmosphere. Brown’s guitar work is a masterful love song to a time when riffs were jagged and crunchy, but also searing and punishing. 80’s thrash/heavy metal coalesced with 90s black metal, opting for an approach towards modern songwriting. It’s a lethal concoction that works remarkably well. Gloomy, ferocious, and atmospheric, yet very memorable. As harsh as it is, it’s still quite accessible, which tells the tale of a true artist creating from the heart. A blackened heart, but still no less triumphant.

Hemasanctum also marks the first time The Mosaic Window has had a real drummer for recording. Gabe Seeber (Abigail Williams, Vale of Pnath) lays down some punishing blast beats, insane fills and overall sick percussion for a record that needs someone with exceptional talent to execute its vision. Tracks two and four The Pounding of Hooves and Turibulum also contain guitar solos from the legendary Andy LaRocque. Both of which are standout tracks in their own right. 

Turibulum starts off with glorious melodies worthy of brutal medieval times. Dancing and swaying magically until the thrashy riffs amp up the intensity to neck breaking speed. The screechy, growling shreds your nerves to oblivion. Lyrics aside, the visual I get listening to this song, is of an armoured warrior on a black steed, slashing his way through hordes of enemies only to befall from the exhaustion of swinging his sword. Andy’s solo screams through the mix with ravaging virtuosity, pushing the sharp blade into dirt stained flesh. 

The albums closing track Hymn to Silence the Light, after a brief tranquil acoustic guitar passage, assaults the listener with vengeful riffs meant to wickedly crush and quickly dispose of anything in sight. The track never relinquishes its grasp but does offer up mystical melodies over a tremolo wall of guitars and blast beats. Towards the final few minutes, a single chord progression rings out with a mournful woman’s voice weeping in the background. It’s very impactful and closes the record with a sense of hopelessness. The growled lyrics during the last minute of the track reek with a sick desperation that’s tough to shake off. Anytime a record can affect me like that, it’s usually worth talking about. 

Hemasanctum is an easy recommend from a band with two must hear albums in such a brief period of time, with plenty of room to grow even further. At this point, The Mosaic Window should already be in your ears.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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