Vånda – Covenant of Death

Vånda – Covenant of Death
Release Date: 30th September 2022
Label: Majestic Mountain Records
Genre: Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash influence.
FFO: Seth, Watain, Tribulation, Metallica?
Review By: Paul Cairney

After listening to Covenant of Death by Swedish band, Vånda, I immediately set about looking for their back catalogue. Alas, I was disappointed to see that this was merely their debut album and not the 3rd or 4th album I assumed it would be.

Well, disappointed is definitely the wrong word.  There is absolutely nothing disappointing about Covenant of Death. No, the word was, ‘amazed’ or perhaps ‘stunned’ or ‘gobsmacked,’ any superlative would not adequately describe the fact that I couldn’t believe a seriously accomplished album such as this was a mere debut. 

The simple truth is, Vånda grab you from the first riffs of the opening track, ‘Light the Fire’. Straddling an uneasy mix of Black and Death Metal, Vånda are a band that are not easily pigeonholed, delivering the best part of 43 minutes with a confidence that belies a debut.

Second track, ‘Violence and Mayhem’ introduce a 3rd genre into the mix, with Thrash riffage decimating your mind. Indeed, the press blurb advises you to think Tribulation meets Metallica meaning that you will wonder where this album will end up. You may also be concerned that it will become a confused mess. Do Vånda know who they are?

Yes, they do. The simplest answer is often the correct answer.  

Covenant of Death is an album that flows through its running time. Immensely enjoyable, demanding repeat listens, it’s deliberately murky production only enhances the musicality the band is seeking to deliver.  It is urgent, it is calming, it reminds you of albums you have heard in the past, ‘Brinnande Hat’ has a Bolt Thrower style vocal delivery, for example. 

There are so many things to enjoy about Covenant of Death. In fact, the only near disappointing aspect of the album was that the track ‘Non Serviam,’ was not a cover of the superlative Rotting Christ song, but was, in fact, a song of entirely Vånda’s creation. It is also one of the best tracks on the album, clever lyrics, riffs to headbang to and featuring the modern discordant breakdown in the middle. 

This may only be the debut album for Vånda, but it will hopefully be the beginning of a string of high-quality albums that build upon its magnificence.

4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

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