Void of Hope – Proof of Existence

Void of Hope – Proof of Existence
Release Date:
31st January 2025
Label: Avantgarde Music
Genre: Black Metal, Depressive Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal.
FFO: Austere, Nocturnal Depression, Silencer, Ghost Bath.
Review By: Rick Farley

Void of Hope is a Finnish black metal band born during a recording session. The entirety of the album Proof of Existence was written and recorded in five days with the unforgiving backdrop of extreme cold, -30° to -35° outside the studio and in complete darkness for nearly the entire duration of the day. Vocals would be recorded at a later date and done in only two days. To say this album sounds bleak and full of bone chilling atmosphere would certainly be understated. 

Void of Hope is comprised of some heavyweights in the black metal world, which include members from Moonlight Sorcery and Ondfødt, respectively. While they obviously have name recognition, the band do not consider their identities relevant to the music in any way. So out of respect for that, we’ll continue without further fan service. 

Thematically, Proof of Existence is a dark, cold journey through mental health and depression, the outcome of which could be triumphant or self-destructive. It’s a balancing act that doesn’t always end up with a happy ending. Musically this is raw emotional black metal with mournful melodies and full on rage both representing a state of being within the album. Huge swaths of sound, sorrow filled pianos and incredible amounts of introspective atmosphere are added to frozen guitar tones and anguished, screechy vocals. There are some highly intense spoken word passages here and there that help drive the depressive state deep into the consciousness. Proof of Existence is ugly, disturbing, and effective at what it’s portraying. 

While every thing instrument wise on this album shines through with clarity while still remaining freezing cold and dark, the vocals are what leaves the impression for me. The harsh vocals range from deranged howls, maniacal growls, and unhinged spoken word full of powerful influence on the utter chaos of what the mind could be going through in its darkest times. Compliment that with dreary chord passages and melodies that drone, entrance, and sear through your entire being, and it becomes a terrifying look into a real world that exists within all of us. 

Although Void of Hope is far more than just a depressive black metal band, the shadowy coldness and ugliness is present, written and executed in a way that far exceeds the quality of music of what most would instantly think of from this genre. They allow the listener to determine whether this will be cathartic, or tenebrous with sheer aggression at times, subtle melancholy at others and ultimately personal woe. 

Title track Proof of Existence kicks off with a classic black n roll swagger that sounds devilish and full of belligerence before unexpectedly changing into an atmospheric hell fest of delirious guitar melodies and building tension. It fully amps up the creepiness before abruptly bursting into black metal bedlam. Atmospherically the melodies stay in the background with synths and just barely audible, which gives this an epic feel at times. To the complete opposite direction, the extreme sadness of Inner Peace which is essentially a piano instrumental with horribly pained vocals is nightmare fuel and emotionally raw. 

Closing track Decaying Years swells with synths that use emotional chord changes. Piano once again sets a melody, while a simple drum beat effectively drives this track into a spiritual aura. Walls of distortion eventually come in and it feels huge. The burning tremolo guitars are ethereal and will surely plant the seeds of introspection deep. You really feel this one. 

In closing, Void of Hope delivers a stunner of an album that hopefully gets more attention than just from the depressive black metal crowd. Check this one out.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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