Vorna – Aamunkoi

Vorna – Aamunkoi
Release Date: 21st April 2023
Label: Lifeforce Records
Genre: Black Metal, Folk Metal, Pagan Metal, Melodic Metal.
FFO: Mustan Kuun Lapset, Paara, Brymir, Marianas Rest, Dark The Suns.
Review By: Mark Young

Vorna bring forth their latest release, their second on Lifeforce Records, and fourth overall, bringing promise of moving beyond what has been brought before. 

Now, before we get into this, I’m not massive on Black Metal / Folk / Pagan hybrids in any respect, it just does nothing for me on an emotional level, so Vorna are going to have go some to change my mind. In Folk / Pagan defence, they sing in their native language, so it does mean a lot is lost in translation.

Deep breath….

So, it hasn’t changed my overall opinion on folk / pagan music, but what it does fantastically well is meld its themes into Black Metal so much, so I could block out the folk singing parts and appreciate how well the songs have been put together. There is some great heavy music on here, with some stunning melodic parts that stay with you after it ends. 

It has a great range to each of the tracks, and it shows that they are not afraid to put the folk leanings to the front, whilst allowing the Black Metal to provide able support when required. They employ the switch between the two to great effect, in much the same way as metal core employ the soft/loud dynamic, and it’s probably served a lot better here as the sonic palate is wider for them to draw from. 

A great example of this is Harva päättää hyvästeistään – The constant switch is pretty neat, with everything remaining at a speedy pace, with some truly memorable guitar in there which really fits in with the overall approach. Another is one of the later tracks, Aamunkoi which has some frenzied riffing fighting against a piano piece and some truly deep growls that only adds to it.

When they do throw that switch, they really go for it and manage to keep the melodic parts, and it sounds great. Muualle, This is a great example of the melding of Folk / BM where none of the constituent parts are sacrificed for another, and it is a satisfying blend.

On reflection, this is a great album that devotees of Vorna and bands like them will just devour. It has tons going on, and you should give it a go!

  1. Hiljaisuus ei kestä
  2. Harva päättää hyvästeistään 
  3. Valo 
  4. Kallioilla 
  5. Muualle 
  6. Raja 
  7. Meri
  8. Aamunkoi

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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