Waldgeflüster – Dahoam

Waldgeflüster – Dahoam
Release Date: 24th September 2021
Label: AOP Records
Genre: Black Metal, Folk Metal, Doom.
FFO: Ulver, Borknagar, Midnight Odyssey.
Review By: David Oberlin

Black Metal is an oversaturated mess of a genre and so coming across something that resonates with more vitriol than genre hits such as “I Am Edge Lord, You Are Abuse” and “Vengeance Is A Dish Best Served On A Petri Dish” is a cathartic reprieve. Waldgeflüsters’ latest fits into the release window of music induced catharsis. As they embrace Black Metal within the acoustics of Germanic folk.

The new album from Waldgeflüster’Dahoam starts off as a lullaby. In dulcet chords arranged as if dawn was breaking by a shadowy hearth. As the soft dark sky moves into light so too does the expression change from welcoming to intense. The juxtaposition between organic phrases and cacophonous melancholy is a contrast that drives wave after wave of emotion throughout this album. And with so much energy jumping around you would expect a menacing aura of sorts but no. Dahoam holds a solemn and grandiose spirit; The technique is black but the style is doom.

Dahoam has a sombre mood. It reflects a sadness that runs deep. Echoed in choral voices that sound like celtic funeral wailing. The majority of the album is grounded with the same motivation as it remains steady by hammering home very similar tempos. Working within an arrangement not too dissimilar to slow bit, fast bit, slow, slow, fast– blast. The speed and mood is so similar that a majority of the album blends together unless listening with intent. It’s not easy listening. But it’s not so disharmonious that it becomes jarring. Just the opposite, in fact, it soothes.

Waldgeflüster has been going for over fifteen years now. Having been officially founded in harvest ‘05 (that is autumn, or fall for you Merry-folks.) And Dahoam is the sixth full-length from the group. It is a loose concept album that ruminates on home, or the existential meaning of a familiar place to stay. The lyrics are sung entirely in Bavarian. But, the liner notes have a better explanation of these things relative to artistic intention. 

The music is all good, if perhaps lacking in adventure. The Waldgeflüster guys stick close to what they know: folk and black metal. Without blurring lines or blending styles. Dahoam is a straight to the mill sort of album; A hearty meal beside a cosy fire; A safe catch in a sea of eels.

3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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