We Are to Blame – Duality I

We Are to Blame – Duality I
Release Date: 1st November 2022
Label: Self Released
Genre: Melodic Metal, Progressive Metal, Melodic Death Metal.
FFO: Lacuna Coil, Temperance, Mayan.
Review By: Mark Waight

Duality I is the debut EP from Swedish Melodic Metal band We Are to Blame and answers the question of “what happens when the joy of Astrid Lingrens wonderful stories intertwines with the melancholy born from the endless night north of the Arctic circle”, you get wonderful music.

We are to Blame were formed in early 2020 and are Alice Hartvig (vocals), Johan Karlsson (guitars and vocals) and Urban Granbacke (guitars).  Their brand of metal mixes many elements, power metal, melodic death metal, progressive metal along with also utilizing symphonic and electronic compositions to create something that lies very close to their hearts. 

Opening track Breathe has a marvellously heavy bass intro that slowly introduces the listener to Alice Hartvig’s amazing rock vocals that will send shivers down your spine. The guitar playing and solo are divine, and you are now completely drawn into the We Are to Blame world of metal.

Losing Rhythm is a slightly lighter and more up-tempo track that incorporates some growling male vocals from Johan Karlsson that perfectly compliment the gorgeous female vocals of Alice Hartvig. It’s a glorious tune!

My Release has some clever electronic elements that give it a very modern industrial metal feel, and it’s delivered at a superfast pace. The choral vocals add further to the songs atmosphere and serve to lift the mood of the listener.

The Change is a dark and haunting track, bringing desperate and melancholy emotions to the forefront by way of some very guttural vocals and a very heavy musical arrangement that hits you hard to your very core. The gloomy mood continues with Falling Down, which combines a riff laden death metal backtrack with the angelic vocals of Alice Hartvig to create something that is both beautiful yet at the same time deeply disturbing.

The piano playing that accompanies All I Want to Say is simply superb, the male/female opposing vocals are sweet candy for the ears and bring the EP to a dramatic close with a track that leaves you begging for more.

Duality I by We Are to Blame is one of the best surprise arrivals to the metal scene this year, and I, for one, can’t wait for Duality II or the next instalment. With winter fast approaching and the dark nights drawing in, let’s hope it’s another creative period for We are to Blame up there in the Arctic circle, and next year brings more beautiful music.

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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