Wizard Master – Ablanathanalba

Wizard Master – Ablanathanalba
Release Date: 7th July 2023
Label: Electric Valley Records
Genre: Stoner, Doom Metal.
FFO: Electric Wizard, Monolord, Black Sabbath.
Review By: Paul Cairney

Ablanathanalba is the second full length album from Italian Doomsters, Wizard Master and the 6 track, 46 minute long opus is genuine doom length, with only 2 tracks dipping under 8 minutes. Indeed, the opening track of side B – a tip to you vinyl collectors here, Ablanathanalba is available with limited collectable options – clocks in at a tickle over 5 minutes, hardly doom standards, but doom it is.

Wizard Master are purveyors of old school doom, unashamedly influenced by bluesy 70s doom. However, the lyrical content of the album is very much rooted in current times, written to ‘provide a commentary on the world we live in today’. It is this that creates the interest in Ablanathanalba.

Musically speaking, Wizard Master do not exceed known boundaries of the genre. Although there is the lack of inspiration within the sound and riffage, they do carry out their intended mission with a degree of aplomb and, perhaps, a touch of relaxed vigour.  

This isn’t to say that Ablanathanalba is a poor album – it is far from that. However, where we hit a good strong track, such as the more creative ‘Acid’ with its fuzz laden riffs and confident tone, many of the remaining tracks remind the listener that Wizard Master are a band still finding their way in what is an incredibly competitive genre. You could list a number of bands within this genre that have released stronger albums within the last few years.

The casual listener, however, cannot forget the fact that Wizard Master are not attempting to be the quintessential modern Doom band. They have identified their sound, their niche if you will, utterly committed to the bluesy, almost psychedelic doom of Ablanathanalba.

As a result, both the band and the album are to be respected. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that Ablanathanalba will be loved.

3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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