Wormed – Omegon

Wormed – Omegon
Release Date: 5th July 2024
Label: Season of Mist
Genre: Death Metal, Technical Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal.
FFO: Wormhole, Artificial Brain, Hideous Divinity, Unfathomable Ruination.
Review By: Ceta

Wormed has been silent for a considerable period, leading some to speculate about their status. The band, however, has resurfaced with a new album titled Omegon. Known for their relentless and unapologetic style, Wormed faces the challenge of surpassing their short yet consistent discography with this new offering. I have some expectations, but for once I must say I was confident that Wormed could pull this off.

Omegon is different, it’s less interested in being the heaviest album in the planet and more into creating intricate music that really portrays a violent cosmic quest. However, don’t believe for a second that this album is a walk in the park. It’s heavy and complex to a degree that those of you who like death metal with groove are going to feel alienated for sure.

Each track appears to be a mix of smaller tracks, featuring unconventional tempos, persistent disharmony, aggressive moments, and blast beats, not as many as before, but still more than almost any other band. These elements collectively create a formidable technical aggression. A notable improvement in Omegon is the production, things are simply easier to hear, and they’re not as moshed together as previous albums.

Despite Wormed is innovating on its own formula, don’t expect something that will break away from what brutal death metal has become in the last five years. It’s a great album, but don’t expect the smoothest songwriting. This doesn’t have to be bad, but if you’re old school, it might rub you the wrong way that each track has such an abundance of riffs. You might be thinking that there can’t ever be too many riffs, but many will disagree with you.

Either way, I’m happy to say that Wormed is back with an album that not only is consistent with its previous work, but also adds layers in a style where it’s always so easy to become numb with how many things are happening at the same time. I only hope that Wormed doesn’t go into hibernation for another six to seven years, because I’d love to listen to this continuous evolution. It’s a challenging listen, but it’s quite rewarding!

4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

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