Xenobiotic – Hate Monolith
Release Date: 2nd September 2022
Label: Unique Leader
Genre: Technical Death Metal, Progressive Death Metal, Death Metal.
FFO: Fallujah, Aversions Crown, Ingested.
Review By: Jason James
Setting out to obliterate eardrums once again, Xenobiotic are ready to unleash their new EP, Hate Monolith, on an unsuspecting world.
Hailing from Perth, Western Australia, the quintet, comprising of Nish Raghavan (guitars), TJ Sinclair (vocals), Cam Moore (guitars), Mikey Godwin (drums) and David Finlay on bass, are attempting to show everyone why they were so highly regarded before a worldwide plague stopped their tour plans in its tracks. And Hate Monolith is that attempt.
The name of the EP is well-chosen. There is nothing approaching anything celebratory in the tone here. The entire 21-minute runtime is a frenetically violent affair, blast-beating, roaring and chugging its malevolent intentions in 5 substantial songs. TJ Sinclair spews forth hate in grunts, growls and throat-tearing screeches, seemingly unable to keep the demons at bay. Behind the vocal, the music is played as if the bands are trying to destroy their instruments, such is the ferocity of their exertions. Track 3, Nether, is a particular standout, a short, sharp shock to the system, perfectly encapsulating the aim of the 5-piece to frighten and thrill in equal measure.
The EP is a monolith, a towering monument to the power of these 5 tracks. It seems like the listener is simultaneously staring up at their achievement in wonder, while at the same time being crushed beneath its colossal weight. It stands tall for all around to see what they must emulate and attempt to surpass. And the fight they will have.
Hate Monolith is a very well put together piece of work, and it can’t fail to raise Xenobiotic’s profile and remind listeners exactly what they’re about. (3.5 / 5)