Devin Townsend – Devolution Series #2 – Galactic Quarantine

Devin Townsend – Devolution Series #2 – Galactic Quarantine
Release Date: 25th June 2021
Label: Inside Out Music
Genre: Progressive Metal, Thrash, Ziltoidian.
FFO: Strapping Young Lad, Devin Townsend Project, Ihsahn.
Review By: Paul Cairney

Devin Townsend boasts a back catalogue that is arguably the most diverse of any musician out there. From the extreme metal leanings of his breakthrough band, Strapping Young Lad, through to his ambient albums, Devin has constantly kept himself busy, constantly challenged himself and constantly released high quality music. 

That said, like most musicians, he must sell albums and tour to make a living. Covid fucked this, and so, again like other musicians, he undertook a virtual tour via, replacing the Empath Vol 2 tour in Europe. Following the release of the 1st album of what he has dubbed, the Devolution series, Devin has now released Devolution Series #2 – Galactic Quarantine and it is a very welcome addition to his ever-expanding catalogue.

Galactic Quarantine has a track-listing to pleasure all Hevy Devy devotees, as well as being an album to welcome in any straggling newcomers. This, my friends, is very welcome. In recent years, Devin has started playing Strapping Young Lad material again in his live shows. Even so, it was surprising when the album opens with the superb double whammy of Velvet Kevorkian and All Hail the New Flesh from the ‘City’ album. This aggressive opening is a sign of things to come, as there are numerous songs from this era. 

Fans of his more progressive albums will not be disappointed either, with Julaar, Stormbending and my personal favourite, Deadhead all being aired in the eclectic set list. 

It doesn’t stop there, even the mentally brilliant Ziltoid albums have a few songs included March of the Poozers from ‘Z2’ and the truly outstanding By Your Command from the original ‘Ziltoid the Omniscient’ sitting comfortably alongside the more, let’s call them ‘standard’ songs. 

Even though this was an online gig, with members of the band in different cities performing in front of a green screen, the intensity does not drop throughout. It is a very well crafted and produced album, as you would expect from Devin. It gives us a little bit of access to him before he can start touring again, hopefully playing at Bloodstock in August. 

Galactic Quarantine has something for everyone. The frightening thing is that Devin Townsend could have released an album with a completely different set of songs that would not dilute the album’s quality. This album is a great representative of his heavier songs, allowing Devin to demonstrate his considerable talent. It is a must buy for any fan, and a should buy for those not fully aware of his genius.

4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

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